Annoying hum from the apartment above me?

- in PlayStation

I have been hearing a disturbing noise for a few weeks, which can be compared to a deep hum. Unfortunately, the humming is loudest when I'm in bed. During the day you can still bear it halfway, but when you lie in bed at night and want to sleep, it is unbearably annoying.
I then asked my neighbor above me about the hum and it turned out that his PlayStation was the cause. You can already hear the ventilation noises through your closed apartment door… Although my neighbor said he would look into the problem, not much has changed since then.
I have already complained three times but the hum has not gone away.
What can I do about such a stupid neighbor? Should I contact my landlord? Unfortunately the noise is not very loud, but very annoying because of the low frequency and duration. I can't fall asleep at night.
My neighbor doesn't have a job and plays all day, often until after 4 a.m.


Of course, you can contact your landlord, he should make sure that you can live in peace in your apartment.