How can you change your password on ps4?

- in PlayStation

Hello a good friend of mine has given his other best friend his ps4 acc data so that his best friend can play on it. They quarreled and their best friend still had den acc, he stooped all his friends and stuff. Now my best friend is worried that his 'best friend' will go to his acc again and do Irgenwas again. Does jramdn know of you how to change the password on ps4?


Had the same problem with my ex-boyfriend, who has repeatedly accessed my account. I do not know if it's going to change on the PS4 itself, but I made it through the app on my phone. As long as he still knows his e-mail, he can change his password at any time and reset it.


Oh okay thanks for your answer


He should get the PS app then click on the login below that he has problems and then reset to password