Is it possible to detect a PS4 hardware defect directly from these components?

- in PlayStation

From CPU, GPU, motherboard, power supply.

A user had written: serious errors such as defective graphics cards / power supplies / processors or motherboards you notice by graphic errors, accidental shutdown and the console does not start

defective fan Do you hear the PS4 either even louder or finally rest

your problem can simply be the temperature, because the consoles are generally no miracles

Is that correct? And what about the ram? If the defect is you notice this also by any symptoms?


Fatal hardware problems can only be recognized in 2 situations:

1) Loud "BEEP" sounds when starting the device: The device detects a defect and warns that the device will be damaged during operation

2) The device is dead and will not turn on.

Computer, yes consoles are ultimately nothing else, work in the vast majority of cases only as a whole system or not at all. Non-essential parts may be partially broken without hindering the entire system at the start, but this often has chain reaction-like consequences for the intact parts.

Usually, individual components are replaced to see which of the many individual components needs to be replaced.

PS: CPU, motherboard, power supply and RAM are all essential components of a computer. Under certain circumstances, however, he can start with a defective GPU. However, only if the computer does not recognize that a dedicated GPU has been connected.


What do you mean, nonessential parts,? So as I said under circumstances he can start with a defective GPU but it has then graphic error or he crashes, and that is synonymous with the other components (CPU, motherboard, power supply), right?


So that's what the other user wrote?


Non-essential parts may e.g. Be a second hard drive if the boot disk is intact.

A computer can start up without a dedicated GPU, if it finds an alternative at boot (eg a GPU integrated in the CPU) and does not decide to use the dedicated GPU (this is only the case if it is defective to an extent that it not recognized by the system as such). However, this is not the case with a console, as they usually do not include CPUs with integrated GPUs.

Graphics errors are almost always software errors.

Essential parts such as CPU, motherboard, power supply and RAM prevent booting if they are broken.


At most in very rare exceptional situations.


So if cpu mainboard power supply or ram are defective, the console does not start at all?




And there are also exceptional cases such as the cpu has only a partial defect so do not speak the whole part is completely broken? And the console then only starts showing any symptoms?


At the most if 1 of 2 RAM sticks is defective and the system does not recognize the second one as a RAM stick.

Of all the essential components, 1 intact copy must be active in the system.

But you can generally assume that the system works only as a whole. Everything else is exceptional.


So if there's one, partial defect, of an essential component, the console does not start anyway, because quasi 1 inaktes copy must be active?


Thanks for all the answers!


In most cases, systems no longer work with hardware defects of nonessential parts. The system always wants to start without errors.

For essential components, there are not really technically "partial defects". Either it is intact or does not run. That's why each component is replaced with one that works safely when troubleshooting. You will find the faulty components as soon as the system works again.