Playstation 4 licenses problem?

- in PlayStation

Me and my brother are mutually sharing our accounts. Mostly we buy games through my account.

Now for my problem:

I share him my account, so he has him on his ps4 on primary. He can play all the games on his account without any problems. On the other hand, since Thursday I have been unable to play the games purchased on my account on the account on which they were purchased. Does anyone know why this is?

Error message is as follows:

"The content can't be used - you would be signed in to another ps4 on the Playstation Network and it will take a while for you to use the content with the license on this ps4"

Short Summary:

Share my account

Share Partner can play everything

i can't start anything on main account where everything was bought

Hope for help Mfg. Rain.


For new games, this message appears. Just wait