Sony keeps screwing it up on and on?

- in Xbox

Noon or evening everyone,

Today I would like to talk about the Playstation 5 from Sony, uncover its downsides and then get your opinion.

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the graphics performance of the Playstation 5.

Sony thinks that the Playstation 5 will make a big leap in graphics, but that's not true. We're experiencing a downgrade rather than an upgrade, which many journalists have noticed:

Personally, I think it's such a shame that Sony has done so much marketing blah that the fans really think they're getting something better…

Still no ray tracing, only 600GB free memory and still no real 4K without any tricks - a shame!

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My second point: the processing of the console and its problems

First of all, the problem that the Playstation 5 coolers are much too small to offer good cooling. - The weird people from Sony think you wouldn't hear the console at all, but I would wait for real tests such as Pietsmiet's, for example, this one was able to test the Xbox Series X very nicely and also went into the extremely quiet cooling…

The second and final ridiculous problem of the Playstation 5 - the workmanship and durability.

As you can see from this tweet, you can see that a Playstation 5 on display is already showing problems - with a console for 500 euro, I expect everything to run smoothly there.

Sony keeps screwing it up on and on

The processing

the Playstation 5 and its controller both have a high-gloss finish on black spots - I wonder what Sony was thinking.

Those who don't clean enough are likely to experience miracles. Because the Playstation 5 gets beautifully dirty from the dust that is sucked through the Playstation 5.

Gloss and dust do not go well together.

Sony keeps screwing it up on and on - 1

What do you think of Soyn and their Playstation 5 now?


Mhmhmh. Yes, I don't understand why there's 1. Such a loan between the 2 big console peoples. And since I've been an XBox gamer from "birth" but have now moved on to the PC, I can say with a clear conscience that Sony hasn't really got it up to now.

2. These few exclusives just don't make the console any better. And I think that Piano Pack has no place on "high-end" consoles. As the name suggests, it belongs on the piano.

I would most likely still buy the Xbox. But neither because I have a PC!


😄 Thank you Jonas for your answer.


P.s. I also noticed something funny about the fan thing:

I threw a LAN party with my colleagues with about 10 people. One of them was the PS4 guy. All pc's were as quiet as possible and were not really loud under load (Custom WaKü). Then the PS4 guy came and started his PS4 aka. Airplane engine.

The PS4 has 1 fan, our PC's had around 50 together. Nevertheless, this box drowned out all of us. In addition, the heat came out that I couldn't explain to myself. At FHD 30fps 80 ° C processor heat? How?

I don't want to say that my CPU does not reach 80 ° C, but it is better cooled!

My XBox One S is under my TV and gambles there even when I play like the Witcher 3.

That's why I prefer to use the Xbox!


PC is superior in everything. And personally, I don't think the Playstation exclusive games are good. I don't enjoy games like God of War / Uncharted / Spiderman and PC generally has an incredibly better selection of games. I don't know why everyone is always talking about the PS4 exclusive games when there are so many more exclusive games on the PC.


Of course the pc is superior. I don't doubt that. I prefer to spend 5 times junk in order to have something that is better in every point!



Cooling is such an important point that many simply ignore!

The Xbox Series X should have room volume for information. Sony can still do as many tricks as they want.

But for me, Sony has lost in some way this year. You have to use tricks to keep yourself on the ice. The Xbox does it without any tricks - sad but true.

The packaging of the Playstation should also be changed.

One should write down:

Fake 4K at 30fps

Fake ray tracing

No path ray tracing

Fake 8K

No 60fps

No backward compatibility

Not for tge players

If that were the case, I would be satisfied:-)


Haha yes true.


The photo with the PS5 fan irritates me. In yesterday's streams, where these Japanese influencers were able to test the console, they weren't even allowed to touch the PS5, let alone open it.

Who took the chance to open the lid and take photos?


I don't have any information about this, I'm sorry.

But it looks like this picture is real.

The shape fits very well with the Playstation 5 and I don't think anyone would bother to recreate a dowel to forge something or something like that


I'll say the following. Yes, all of this is not necessarily nice, but tell me a generation of consoles where that wasn't the case? Seriously, what were you talking about back then with the Xbox 360 until the thing was smoked in rows because it was overheated. What did they promise with the Playstation 4 and Xbox one only so that at the end consoles come onto the market that use an old crutch as a graphics unit as well as a processor. Pro versions were even necessary for the first time because the consoles were far too weak (yes, the PS4 too). Ultimately, I would wait until the console is really out and then get my own impression because I'm completely honest. Journalists talk a lot and especially in gaming journalism you can't believe all sources. A graphic downgrade will not be 200%, I mean how should that be possible? In terms of performance, the PS5 is many times higher than the PS4 in all respects. Ok well the memory is really ridiculous I admit.


In addition, every console has teething problems at the beginning, which is sad but unfortunately everyday life. I mean the PS4 died in rows from heat, the first version was also missing one of the 4 rubber studs on the bottom, which is why it wobbled, the Xbox 360 and PS3 also often died from heat and on the Nintendo Switch the left stick keeps breaking. So wait and drink tea until the problems are resolved


🙂 I totally agree with you.

Then why is the Xbox Series X so perfect?

Almost no problems are reported. Which is kind of weird - maybe this is a console that is even perfect on Day One.

But yes. Microsoft is working on the Series X before 2017, at Sony it all looks so short-term. As if they wanted to release the console later.


Ok, it was pure curiosity. According to Leaks, it should be a so-called "sirocco fan". I have no idea what I should / can imagine and whether it shovels the air somehow differently than conventional fans.


They won't be particularly efficient with this small size.

If there are now more than 2 pieces installed, then the cooling would be quite good. However, it would then not be open because it would then probably be loud as hell


Well, there have been rumors in the past few months that the PS5 would have installed up to 6 fans, which doesn't look like it from the photo.


Somehow you don't really know much more after the streams than before. You still don't really know what it will look like under the hood, after several waves of pre-orders have already been made.

I've had a Sony console in every generation, but this time I'll take my time. This lack of transparency from Sony is anything but customer-friendly and I don't like buying a pig in a poke. Add to that the constant rowing back when making announcements. In this (coming) generation, I have so far found Sony rather unsympathetic.

Others are welcome to play the beta tester this time. I'm waiting for valid tests from Digital Foundry & Co.


Maybe I can still find a picture on which you can see all the fans


Thank you for your answer


That would of course be cool!


Sooo after a short research, I think I understood the cooling concept.

I have used this video as an aid for this.

It looks like cold air is sucked in from behind, chased through the entire console, called CPU / GPU, power supply, SSD and etc. And the warm air comes out from above or from the front.

It's a bit inefficient but it should work just fine I think.

It's just not that good to have a large opening for cold air and a small opening for warm air, it only makes the console much warmer.


I had read exactly the other way around: It sucks in the front / top and blows out at the back (you don't want to be blown in front!) Basically it stays the same.




Well, of course, all consoles have to prove themselves in long-term field tests. The XSX. The cooling concept is absolutely convincing. I think MS is very careful to avoid a disaster like the first XBox360 and they did a very good job with the XBox One too, especially in terms of volume.

You just don't know enough about the PS5.


This is because Microsoft started with it very early (1 year after the Skorpio (One X) project, they had already presented the Scarlett project at ganescom 2018 and were already working on it

Sony only presented the Ps5 this year and cobbled together a console in just under 3 months, which is not enough time, so there should be many errors




Digital Foundry has already published tests!

That was the reason I posted this question here - and what Digital Foundry has uncovered is really shocking for the Playstation world


Digital Foundry already has a PS5 to test? I thought the first ones were only made available to these Japanese influencers to play with?!

Are there any official reviews from Digital Foundry for the PS5 hardware? I only saw this Spider Man test with half-baked ray tracing.


Well, I've only heard about Spiderman from Digital Froundry now, so I guess they already have a Playstation 5


Or analyze video material provided by Insomniac Games.


As expected, the cooling design turned out really bad.


Small note next to -

The thermal grease is really thin from Sony. Even a 3 year old would do more.

I'm looking forward to you tutorials like:

Change Ps5 thermal compound


Wow ok This is how the clues about the cooling system are condensing.
The cooler seems too small to me. O.O.


It's way too small…

If you would go to the Twitter post again and scroll down a bit, there's a picture in which the Series X and the Playstation 5 fans are shown live together. This clearly shows how small the fan is.


I saw! ^^
THAT is a difference!


A very big difference.

Microsoft installs a high-quality fan, while Sony uses a plastic fan from Teddy 😂😅


Am curious. On relevant XBox and Playstation news sites there are now reports that the XSX is emitting pretty hot air.


Oh what Could you send me a link

I currently have a "test" myself - Xbox Series X, that means that this is not the final version of it, but the hardware is 1 to 1 the same. Only the software is that of the Xbox One X.

In any case, I didn't notice that the Xbox Series X gets extremely warm… Or emits extremely warm air and when it does, it's actually quite normal. The main thing is that it is quiet.


And at XBox Dynasty it was at least addressed in the comment section:

And then I ask myself: The new consoles should both get really warm. When the PS5 is barely blowing out heat… Where's the heat then?