Would you rather stay with PS4 without crossplay or PC with crossplay (Warzone)?

- in PlayStation

I'm considering switching from the PS4 to a PC. I'm not that good at the game (1.25KD), but those low FPS just annoy me a lot. And when I play crossplay on the PS4, I have almost no chance against the crossplay lobbies.

I would then buy a PC with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700x and GTX 3070. Would it make up for it then?


PC generally offers you massive advantages in shooter games


Well, a PC doesn't make you a better gamer

But just because of the higher FPS, better graphics and, above all, filters, it is much more pleasant to play.


What do you mean by filter?


What advantages with regard to Warzone?


For better visibility of the opponents, i.e. Colors, sharpness, brightness, etc. You have at least a small chance against camping Roze players.


Of course, it just isn't that easy with AMD