Warzone lagged on Ps4 Pro 1TB despite good internet?

- in PlayStation

Why is it that is unplayable on my Ps4 Pro Warzone (→ constant FPS drops / textures do not load etc…).
Strangely, in multiplayer, I don't have any problems in both Cold War and MW. It can't be because of the Internet. I have a 250k line that is connected directly via LAN (when testing the Internet connection, almost complete performance is achieved). There are no problems with friends on the normal Ps4. Strangely enough, Warzone is the only game I have problems with on the console.

What I've already tried:
- Reinstall Warzone
- Rebuild Ps4 database
- Unscrew the Ps4 and remove the dust
- Delete games for more free space (currently 750GB free)

I'm slowly really desperate. Anyone else have an idea what to try. Would be grateful for any tip. Possibly reset complete Ps4?


So first of all…

Lags = connection breakdowns on your own Internet or problems with the game servers.

Jerks, graphics errors, FPS drops = system-relevant (device too hot, too dusty, file errors, etc.)

So you've actually already tried everything that I would have suggested yourself… You rebuilt the database yourself and screwed on the device.

What kind of screen are you playing on? TV or monitor?
One more idea I would have is if you are playing on a flat screen TV, nowadays every halfway modern TV has the "Game mode" function in the settings.
Since the performance in the game is adjusted in that certain graphical things are slightly worsened (minimal) and thus a smooth gaming experience is created.
Also noticeable in the control, no more input lag, etc.

Maybe that will bring something…


Sorry, I expressed myself a bit wrong with "laggs" really are more like FPS drops. Play on a standard 144hz gaming monitor. Possibly renew thermal paste or reset Ps4? The Ps4 is only loud in the menu and quiet during the game.


Resetting doesn't do anything… There's an extra "rebuild database" so that you don't have to flatten everything if you have performance problems.

Renewing thermal grease would be the only option left…

How old is the Ps4 Pro?


Although if it's quiet in the game then the paste still seems good… If only it's so loud in the menu, there seems to be some other reason…


Phew bought it new in December 2019. As I said, I'm also surprised that I don't have any problems with any other games, not even in the multiplayer option of MW itself.


The MP also needs a lot less power…

But a battle royale is always such a thing on consoles… At least on the old consoles… So Ps4 and Xbox One

A few small fps drops are normal in Warzone every now and then, there's no other way… The Old Gen doesn't manage a permanent, constant 60fps in a Battle Royal like Warzone. So if it is only now and then and then not so extreme, then unfortunately that is completely normal and so for everyone…
The Xbox One is on average even worse with the FPS, so the drops are even more blatant…

But I can't explain the graphic errors…


Phew but it is really hardly playable so I would say 70-80% of the time max. 30 fps while running or flying. If you stand in one place for a few seconds, it goes briefly until you continue to move. Hmm seems to be a weird problem anyway.