Do I have to reply to the police email?

- in PlayStation

I and someone else have been the victim of triangular fraud. I was the one who paid and then asked for the money back. After all, I didn't buy anything. Then I wrote something with the other victim from whom the goods were picked up. He then filed a criminal complaint and named me as a witness. The other victim only got my name from paypal and my address so the police got the message via email. It says there:

"good day…

With this email I'm referring to a criminal complaint before me for fraud. It is about the illegal purchase of a Playstation on… And the related sales processing via paypal.

Unfortunately I do not have your complete personal data, which I need for further processing and which you please send to me.

If you have also filed a criminal complaint in the meantime, please let me know the relevant file number of the receiving department. "

Well, I've never been in contact with the police and I don't want to.

Do I have to answer it? Did the other victim report me?

What happens if I don't answer?

On the Internet, this is only available on judicial or public prosecutor invitations or similar. Must answer. It is stupid for the other one but don't feel like running 10 times and in the end I'm the accused.

I thank you in advance for the answers.

I try to answer questions as soon as possible


Is nowhere in it that jmd has filed a complaint against you. So I would assume that you should really only be heard as a witness.

you can also call - you don't have to write back…


What is the sender address?

The police will hardly query data in an email. If so, I would ask from which office he comes and how he can be reached by post and phone and that he should send this as a postal letter as email is not a secure medium.


But if you only have the e-mail address and do not get your data in any other way, how should you contact us? The contact details of the official will be in the email, just call and ask if the information in the email comes from him. Then you can still discuss how to proceed.


Hence my question whether there are contact details and who the sender is. "Normal" would be in the case that in the mail please contact the Revier so for the purpose of collecting the contact details and do not request data directly by mail because email is not a suitable medium for this.


I was the one who paid and then asked for the money back. After all, I didn't buy anything.

Very contradictory. Why did you pay?

It is about the illegal purchase of a Playstation on… And the related sales processing via paypal.

Which sales process? No purchase is made via PayPal. Paypal is used to pay after the conclusion of a purchase contract.

therefore the news came from the police via email.

There should be a file number in the email. Call a police station and ask.

the other victim only got my name from paypal and my address so the police got the message via email.

A letter might have come with the address.

Something is missing in your information.

It is stupid for the other one but don't feel like running 10 times and in the end I'm the accused.

Why? So far you are supposed to be interviewed only as a witness?

Fact: If there has really been a triangular fraud in which you are only involved as a "payer", then you should help. Everything else is impossible and gives the real perpetrators the opportunity to continue the fraud. Reason: A possible witness has no desire.


I would get in touch by phone and I do not know whether the police simply send e-mails or whether this is not done by phone or post?! I would just give them a call and ask.


I also send such emails regularly, especially in the case of a triangle fraud via ebay, I usually have no other data than the email address.

A response from Ebay / PayPal takes 6 weeks, until then I could be much further with the investigations if the email is answered ^^

Do you have to answer: No.

What will happen then: In about 6 weeks the colleague will have your personal details and will then summon you.

It is stupid for the other one but don't want to run 10 times

I can even understand that, but consider the following:

You can help the other without much effort => Simply answer the email and see if the colleague needs more.
Do you help significantly, if necessary, to find the culprit… And we agree that such idiots have no business on the Internet, do we?

and in the end i'm the accused.

If you were actually the accused, the colleague will get your data out differently… But since you haven't done anything, you can simply show yourself cooperatively, which also eliminates the last doubts about your innocence.

So as already said: No, you do not have to reply to the mail, but you do not help anyone, neither the injured party, nor the police and ultimately not you either, because then you will be summoned at some point…


If I have no other contact address, I of course write an email ;-)

But calling back is always a good idea!


Yes, yes, why not? If I only have the email address of a witness, I can contact him that way. And if he insists on an official questioning, he can also let me know.


Everyone can read the email and there's no personal information and certainly no file number or anything. By phone for my sake. Do not hope that our civil servants really deal with it that way.


But that's exactly how I do it.

Everyone can pretend to be a police officer by phone.

But an email with the ending @ is more confidence-inspiring.

File number does not belong in an email? Please what? What's in it for anyone to know a file number?


As a computer scientist, my toenails are curling up. There's obviously an urgent need for training courses on data protection. Do I really have to address this occasionally when I meet people from the Interior Ministry. Do you know how easy it is to fake an email address and pretend to be someone else? With personal data such as address, the person who received the advertisement could possibly For example, send someone over personally to convince the witness not to make a statement, etc. Therefore it would be neat to say: Revier so and so, address and telephone number and then he should call or clarify personally. Everyone can check the number, email is already difficult because the headers are usually already hidden and the replyto is not always checked.


If you think so:-)

eMail spoofing is actually super easy, but what does that have to do with the situation?

I'm a perpetrator and want your data, so spoof a "police" address… And further, what does the Interior Ministry have to do with it now?

I'm NOT a perpetrator, but a policeman and need the data, I don't spoof anything… And everything is good, I get the data anyway: What does the Ministry of the Interior have to do with it?

Last but not least: The one who is contacted by me is the email address that was somehow involved in the crime. So not spoofed.

As a computer scientist

With personal data such as address, the person who received the advertisement could possibly For example, send someone over personally to convince the witness not to make a statement, etc.

Um, yes, you seem to have a clue on the computer and that's it. Should I tell you something? The accused gets this data without spoofing anything. Simply because they are entitled to him according to the StPO… And, even if that surprises you now: Nevertheless, we have witnesses, the statements and not all are intimidated by the accused - there are things 0.o

Revier so and so, address and phone number and then he should call or clarify personally.

Yes, that is exactly the royal road that we always follow. But many now only want to communicate via email, then I offer them the opportunity to answer me directly. Be my guest…


I don't want to attack you. I see something as highly problematic because the medium is not suitable for personal data.
Even worse I find a "signal effect" that assumes. So it is normal for the police to request such data by email. Because if this is normal, many people will handle it completely uncritically and no longer question it so much that it will be easier for criminals. So will make things easier in the long run.
Ministry of the Interior because I have to do work there from time to time and which are probably also superior, right? At least they know the right places for such concerns.


So we're not that far apart. Sure, you should set criminals like this to get the information you need, everything ok, I have no pity. And in the other case, I would already say that the police should only express a request for contact and say please call us so that we can continue and do not actively request data. Thought that would be the normal way and when I asked the question, spoofing immediately came to mind if the matter was not followed by the "less dangerous" route.


Yes, that's really a problem. Therefore I think the police have to be a bit of a role model here and the rule should not be to query things via email and only use them in extreme cases. Since I was astonished that data was requested at the first contact attempt and therefore the hint that I would find it safer to turn the tables here and check that first. Only the FS can know what was actually inside.
I don't even have to be with the police to bite the table sometimes. And that in the immediate circle of friends. Since the "credit card companies" "check" the data by mail and a copy is easily scanned and sent and something. ID card copy by mail? Yes why not? Stand xyz@mastercard.ueberrprüfung… There… And the police are certainly no exception, I'm in the local council and so I get a lot with what is sent there, which should not be, etc…


And the normal case should not be to query things via email and only use them in extreme cases.

Fortunately, that's the way it is:-)

I was surprised that data was requested the first time I tried to make contact

As I said, we only know an extract from the email…

and therefore the note that I would find it safer to turn the tables here and check that first.

But hello!

Since the "credit card companies" "check" the data by mail and a copy is easily scanned and sent and something. ID card copy by mail? Yes why not?

Yahahaha! The classic! Ask me how many scanned TAN lists I had… -.-

And the police are certainly no exception, I'm in the municipal council and so I get a lot with what is sent there, which should not be so, etc.

Here you can imagine the three monkeys in front of "eyes closed", "ears closed", "mouth closed" ;-)

Topic is through, right?

Then I thank you for your time and opinion and (bitterly, to have to mention something) your pleasant to read text and nice tone and wish you a nice rest of the week.

Stay healthy!


You also have a nice rest week. That the table edge can endure ;-)


Okay good to know, I would probably view and delete it as spam. I would then wait for a call.


But if I don't have a number, just the email


Can't you find out everything 😂.

I would definitely think is fraud or something 🙈


No, certainly not everything. If I only have the email address it will be difficult.

If someone writes you an email: "I'm from the police, here is my number, you can also easily research it on the Internet, please contact me." the likelihood of fraud is very low.


You are right, however.