Disable automatic ip?

- in PlayStation

Undzwar I use the digibox smart from the telecom and have the problem that every 60 minutes crashes my Internet Kirz while I play with the console (ps4) and then after I reconnect with sem Internet everything works again.

I was told that it is due to the automatic IP change

and so the question

how can I disable it?


I can't imagine directly that it is up to the assignment of the IP address. We process the private customer area ourselves and therefore do not know everything perfectly about the digitization box.

To rule out whether there are other reasons for the restarts, I recommend the test via LAN. If you are currently surfing via LAN, I still have questions. Does the connection only break off when you are browsing with the PlayStation? Are error messages or aborts visible in the system messages?



it's not just on the Playstation

Bein Playstation zb I get after an hour the message that you lack network functions

but if I connect again with the Internet works fine again

the same problem I have auvh with my laptop or mobile phone after 1 std The Internet hangs and spbald I Wi-Fi and make it work again


Thank you for the feedback! The best way to check in the router menu once, if the firmware is up to date. There you can also understand if there are direct errors in the DSL connection. Please look at the system messages once. If there's something about a lost DSL connection, it's not just the router.


The firmware is the latest and are not doing anything


Since then seems to be nothing with the DSL connection. But I like to look at them for safety. Send me a contact form to: https://www.telekom.de/...hilft-team