PS4 displays black screen (HDCP problem)?

- in PlayStation

Have a problem with my Playstation 4 and wanted to see if maybe obs are people who can help me.

Yesterday I watched Netflix relax. Today I tried to start my PS4 as usual and quickly realized that something was wrong. The Playstation showed me a flickering black picture. I have something on the Internet about this problem informed and often saw the term HDCP. There were tips on how to swap HDMI cables, use other TVs, reduce resolution and disable HDCP.

Nothing worked except for the disable with the HDCP.

When I disable the HDCP on the Playstation, the black image disappears immediately. The problem after that is that I can't use apps like Netflix, DAZN or Youtube. I only use these apps when the Playstation is turned on. I use the PS4 more to watch TV shows than to play video games. To be honest, this problem really nuzzles me. I'm about to throw the Playstation out of the window, but would like to experience obs still hope and a solution.


Start the safe mode of ps4 (is on the Internet like google go: safe mode enable) and then go to change resolution