Buy and delete PS 4 game?

- in PlayStation

Moin people, I have two questions but both have to do with the PS4.

Question: I first downloaded 2 games from the ps network last week at the black week donned so pay for it. Otherwise, I only have original games so I have a CD to play them and the PS plus games every amount. For the PS plus, it has always been like this when I downloaded the game and deleted it to make room for the game in my library and I could easily download it as often as I liked. Now I've wrestling fetched what the days would have to come and need space for it. Can I download the games I bought at the PS store or network, or whatever that means, just download it from the library or do I have to pay again?
Question: I have a PS Plus membership to play online against or with friends so far so good. Now I got a message that in a week my membership is over and I just wanted to know what would have happened if I had not renewed my games. When the PS Plus expires then the games from the library that I downloaded from the PS Plus disappear because there's something about loading games and use them as long as you are a ps plus member. If I had screwed up what would have happened? Could I download / use it again as soon as I renew my membership?

Sorry a lot of text but wanted to make it clear and thank you in advance for clear conditions


Yes you can download the purchased again and again.
And yes, you can play again if you renew.