PS5 defective / lack of hardware?

- in PlayStation

I bought the PS5 from Amazon, got it directly on the realese, etc. However, I noticed something 2 days ago. The fan suddenly started vibrating, and it did it properly. I then saw that a screw that holds the fan in place has loosened. It fell out of the case completely. As if it wasn't really firm at all. Can I just send it back to Amazon and get my money back. Because I'm kind of afraid that they say I would have played on the fan and the screw would have fallen out. Which of course is not the case. That was because a trader wanted to blame me before. That is theoretically a shortcoming of the PS5. When the screw comes loose from the case and falls out. I'm really scared that they say it's my fault. It's only been about 6 weeks since I got it. Hope you can help me ^^


Can't you just put them back on? The "housing" of the PS5 can simply be removed


You can request repairs with the warranty. So send it in and have it repaired or exchanged or, if the dealer decides, get your money back.


Doesn't work, the screw simply falls into the hole, and falls out again, it seems to me as if there were no threads at all, with which you can screw in the screw. So screwing in again is not possible.


Did you take a closer look at that? Sending it back and having it repaired can take weeks if not months mon. Personally, I would try to screw the fan back on first


Doesn't work, the screw just falls into the hole, there's no thread or what you call it with which the screw can be screwed back in. Just falls in and out again. No possibility to simply turn them back in. And I know it can take a long time to get one again. But that is clearly a lack of the console. That shouldn't happen. And before anything else happens to the console, I'd rather send it back and get my money back