Weird Strokes on Netflix?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I just wanted to ask if I'm the only one who has these strange lines on Netflix and if anyone knows what the reason is (I have the same thing when I watch the cell phone or the PS4 Netflix)

Weird Strokes on Netflix Weird Strokes on Netflix - 1


Hi, I just wanted to ask if I'm the only one who has these strange lines on Netflix and if anyone knows what the reason is (I have the same thing when I watch the cell phone or the PS4 Netflix)

the only one, the word doesn't exist. The only ones, however, are.

2) I can't see anything on the blurry picture that doesn't have the right to be there.


I think she means the circles mr grammar expert


No, really not, I often prescribe myself or don't pay attention to it.
But inventing words is strange especially because the 4 question was the only one.

Just as funny as: the dumpling WTF

the circles are created when taking pictures with a cheap camera.



Nagut then sorry


So I have not but maybe you have to update netflix. Is that so permanently during the entire film / series or only when netflix appears and then it disappears again?


No, the circles are not created by a cheap camera, these are exactly the lines that I mean and why I wrote this comment and such better know comments can also be left out


Nope this Jonnycena just has no idea the lines you see in the picture are exactly what I mean and they have nothing to do with a cheap camera because it looks like this even without a camera


Take a picture of your monitor or the screen you're on Girlfriend with.
It will be the same circles


This is already the latest version of Netflix and these lines are somehow only to be seen in certain scenes such as the Netflix intro or in dark places in films or even when there's a completely blue sky. I think that's kind of the color ratios or something


Sorry said this M 2 SSD has no idea and not you Jonny xD


No and even if it were so the lines are also visible when I watch netflix normally without taking pictures or anything


Yes, I would say that there are any disturbances with the play of colors. But I'm not sure either


Yes, neither do I and the thing is that I even have such lines when I play PS4 or something and even when I bought a new TV these lines were still on the brand new Fehrnsehr


Hmm strange. Could it then be due to the WLAN. Because otherwise it makes no sense


I don't think that's the reason, because even in places without internet and Wi-Fi I still have these lines on my cell phone


You are welcome to have a look at my other questions on my profile and then you will find that I have been looking for help for this problem on the Internet for a long time but it has not yet brought you any results


Ok then I have no idea what the reason could be


Oh dear yes I look


This is called color banding,

Weird Strokes on Netflix

It mainly depends on the TV / monitor.


Compression artifacts

You're probably streaming at a low bit rate


Dashes or circles?


The circles are normal on poor monitors or poorly compressed videos. It is not a dynamic range.


Sometimes these circles, and sometimes dashes, as in the pictures above


Can you somehow increase it or something?


This is 1 to 1 what I have on my cell phone, PS4 and etc…


Does that mean it's because I just have bad equipment? I already had this color banding on my old Fehrn very much and, as I said, even on my cell phone and such


And sry that I was spamming you like this but is there a way to fix it somehow because I haven't played or watched netflix since I had this color banding because it just bothered me too much and I really did I almost got depression because gaming was somehow the only thing, or rather, was what I enjoyed and what I could look forward to 😔


This is a general problem, you can't really fix it. It is particularly noticeable with dark colors.

Maybe you will see it less with higher brightness. Can you try something with settings.

look if you see any here (like to get there).


Nope here not at all and this color banding is only noticeable with certain color ratios so e.g. When I play GTA the floor and the houses and all the Npc's look completely normal but the sky is full of lines and especially when gaming I noticed that it caught my eye the sky is worst with color banding


But with other films these lines can sometimes be seen on the walls or the whole screen is full of it so it is always different 😂