Netflix on ps4 after or before rewinding in slow motion?

- in PlayStation

Since yesterday I have a problem with Netflix on my PS4. If I now watch a series of some series and in it backwards or forwards coil, the series will continue to play in slow motion.

I have already tried several solutions which did not work.

I have tried so far:

Reboot the Playstation
Uninstall and reinstall Netflix
Restart the WLAN router
In addition to the already existing WLAN connection, another connect with a LAN cable
Last but not least, the Playstation was switched off for more than 12 hours today and also disconnected from the electricity during this period

Unfortunately, none of my attempts worked and a google search was unfortunately also unsuccessful.

Before I inform now the sony and / or netflix support and ask there for help, I wanted to ask whether someone here schonmal had the same problem and knows how to solve it or at least has a proposal for the solution.

I also made a video in soft my problem can be seen, so you see what exactly I mean.

I thank everyone who has a possible solution ready, furthermore, I thank you in advance for any answer to my question and ask therefore no unnecessary and not to the question matching answers to upload.

Thanks for reading and hopefully for solving my problem


Here is the video:


My PS4 has been doing the same thing!