PS + Automatic renewal switched on by itself, money back?

- in PlayStation

I switched off the automatic renewal of Playstation + when I got PS + for the first time (2 years ago or so). Apparently the extension switched itself on again, and so today 60 euro were deducted from my PayPal account. I actually didn't want to extend it this time (since I don't play much at the moment anyway). Now my question: can I get my money back without any legal follow-up or anything? Because actually I didn't authorize it to be deducted from my account?


The renewal is activated again every time you renew the subscription. It's a cheek, but many do it that way.

If you withdraw the funds, your PSN account will be suspended. But you could contact the support, they can maybe do something.


Thank you. I didn't get the idea to write to support myself. Fortunately, they refunded my money today.