Borderlands 3, a few questions?

- in PlayStation

I'm playing Borderlands 3 and just wanted to know what does the attribute "handling" on weapons mean? Since there's also an accuracy kit, I'm a little confused.
For example, if I 50 boxes, the message comes up that I can / should open my Echo module to view my challenges, but I don't see them anywhere, are the things that can be increased at the (I think it's called that way) guardian rank hidden and therefore not visible at all at the beginning? I can't find a menu where these challenges are (e.g. Run over opponents, shoot Skrags etc.)
I have unlocked the vehicles and see I can switch between 3 models, but only the first one can be called, although the other 2 do not say deactivated or something, is there an explanation for this?

oh and do I have to play every new character up to the "city"? So Sanctuary, I'm only at the first base, would like to have a "warehouse": / and more inventory slots… So I could bring a new char straight to town? If not, is it probably not worth keeping Legendarys at levels 2-10 or higher?

If I have a grenade that makes 30 dmg and a grenade that makes 25 dmg, but it says "divides into 2 more", is the 2nd better? I often have this problem that I'm then unsure… Do I take one with less damage, because the damage is in each split one or do I prefer the one that bangs directly…


The loading times on the PS4 for the first game start (loading bar looks like a cigarette) and the change of region are really slow again… Fortunately, I can play games on my mobile phone: /

The game is played on the PS4, not that would be relevant for any questions.


Oh and do I have to play every new character up to the "city"? So Sanctuary, I'm only at the first base, would like to have a "warehouse": / and more inventory slots…

I just don't know how much I would spoil the answer to that. Did you play the last Borderlands 2 DLC? (Commander Lilith and the fight for Sanctuary), but yes you have to complete the prologue and then get access to the safe (storage for weapons and for twinkling items) and with the progress in the main story, more inventory slots are unlocked.

If you have the DLCs you can also create characters directly on LvL 13 who are then at the end of the prologue.

I have unlocked the vehicles and see I can switch between 3 models, but only the first one can be called, although the other 2 do not say deactivated or something, is there an explanation for this?

You have to unlock every other vehicle in the main story first. You can find accessories in side quests and by exploring the world.

if I e.g. 50 boxes, the message comes up that I can / should open my echo module to view my challenges, but I don't see them anywhere, are the things that can be increased at the (I think that's what it's called) guardian rank hidden and therefore not visible at all at the beginning? I can't find a menu where these challenges are (e.g. Run over opponents, shoot skrags etc.)

The upgrade options (in BL2 the badass rank) are only activated when you have played the game at least once.

If I have a grenade that makes 30 dmg and a grenade that makes 25 dmg, but it says "divides into 2 more", is the 2nd better?

the one that splits up does more harm overall but is more worthwhile for larger groups. Don't worry too much about it. In the first playthrough you have enough buffer to try them all out.

The loading times on the PS4 for the first game start (loading bar looks like a cigarette) and the change of region are really slow again… Fortunately, I can play games on my mobile phone: /

an SSD helps a lot. Fortunately, I'm playing on PC ^^


Hi, thanks for the answers, an SSD thought I had the PS4 Slim that I have

Unfortunately, the important question of what "handling" means has not been answered.

And finally reached Sanctuary yesterday, my goodness the ship is complex. And 100 "€" wasted on a gun, thought that was $ and then my Eridium was gone.

i think i haven't played any dlcs in BL2.


You will find more than enough Eridium and it is nowhere near as valuable as in BL2, so you don't have to worry about the "waste". You can upgrade ammunition capacity with normal money

Target accuracy indicates how high the spread is in%.

Handling indicates how fast you can switch to the sight and how fast you can turn the weapon.

And a PS4 only has one HDD installed as standard. No matter which version of the PS4.

The Borderlands 2 DLC is really worth it. Most of the DLC contain little side stories, but the new DLC "Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary" tells the story of what happened between Part 2 and Part 3.

There you will find out why Vaughn is suddenly the bandit leader, what happened to the city of Sanctuary and why the chamber key from Part 2 was gone.


I finished BL2 after I had finished the story, I didn't feel like grinding the story over and over again like Diablo 3 (in the old days) … Diablo 3 initially had no nephalem portals and you could only play the story again, it was boring. But I've seen BL3 has other modes according to the story, so they came up with something.

Thanks for explaining the handling. And strange, I thought the PS4 slim has an SSD by default.

The loading bar until BL3 has started is incredibly corrosive… And then again until you have funded the game + zone change later…

And… I still mourn my eridium. Thought at $ 100 I can buy and test it: /


In BL3 there's absolutely no need to buy weapons. There are enough drops and on public holidays it happens that you are killed by Treasure Tinks.

I thought on Easter Monday that I could try another class for the DLCs and I was completely equipped with Legendarys even before I was on the Sanctuary.


Yes, I also have LOTS of legendarys, I'm really surprised how well these things drop! I always look through the shops anyway, and the weapons for "€" have a class effect, but it was a sniper that is relatively lousy… And then so expensive the € 's gone.

Why do I actually get these extra equipment items at level ~ 10 that I can't even put on? The class mod and this "diamond" slot (at the bottom right next to the grenade and shield).

Dropping sometimes but I can still put on garnet: /


The class mods and artifacts are not out of date that quickly either. Is their bonuses percentage (artifact) or with the class mods there are only a few bonus skill points anyway.


Yes, but i drop it although i can use it net.

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