Login to EpicGames / Fortnite (PS4)?

- in PlayStation

Dear Sirs and Madames,
I have an EpicGames / Fortnite account and play actively on PC, I started playing on PlayStation 4 a few months earlier, the log in worked fine and I was able to gamble then I sold my PlayStation4 and started my account again with which I gambled before also on the PC again started to play on my PC that worked well but now I have a PlayStation4 again and I wanted to log in the Fortnite Launcher on the PlayStation and there's what this account is already connected to me I have already disconnected connected to EpicGames and connected to all my PlayStation Network account and I tried to log in again but this message comes again and again. Can someone please help me and send me no article of such a paradox or so it has already explained I still do not check how to solve it, please help me.


Funny. Honestly, I do not know how we can help you then.

But I assume that Epic or Fortnite did not notice the changes (it can sometimes go bissl) and that's why they still showed the old error.

You said you connected all PSN accounts with it?

As the? You can only connect one?

If you say one after the other, Fortnite may not be fast enough to get the update.

Connect your (ACUTE) PSN account with the Epic account.
Uninstall Fortnite on the PS4.
Wait maybe a few hours.
Reinstall it.
Report if it worked.