Start violently (gaming)?

- in PlayStation

I wanted to get my first PC (general gaming equipment), M / 15. I will probably proceed directly according to the if-if-because principle. So get everything right and well, also get expensive (PC, ps5 pro, games, multiple screens, RGB, LED, mouse keyboard, mouse pad, … The full program. Budget immoment so 3000 euro and I think I will save a lot more than I do I have to pay so much for the PC (without a screen, mouse and so on), but my problem is exactly that: I don't know how much I can count on. The large number of parts knock me off my feet, precisely because I have been so far "only" nh switch with a borrowed 1080p monitor. I have already informed myself well about PCs (assembling and so) but I do not have the practical knowledge so when, where and what to buy? I'm now definitely afraid that I could make a mistake.

What do you think so generally? Should I take it slow and e.g. Start with Ps5 first.

And how much does a juicy setup cost? (I start literely from 0 except the switch)


You should first realize what you really need! What a Ps5 and a PC for if you are going to use only one platform anyway. Since you can get the PS5 last if necessary. What exactly do you want? Some understand juicy PC to be worth 1,000 others and 5000 in turn


A good 144Hz FHD monitor costs around 200 euro each.

It all comes down to the PC - from 600 euro to several thousand euro.

Mouse can be expected to cost 90 euro, because it's best to go to the shop and see what's in your hand.

Plan the same keyboard, about 150 euro.

You can leave out PS5 there.

You can get games reliably and cheaply on the InstantGaming page.


So that you have a house number, what it costs: the rgb comes with 200 euro and if you want a 3950x plus 2080ti, it starts to degenerate


Thank you for the detailed answer


I'll have a look, thanks!


First of all I would recommend not to decide according to Preiß. More expensive is not always better. If you want to get your first PC, then do not do everything that is good with PCs, that you can get basic equipment and if you like it, I would recommend an 8GB RTX graphics card to start with. 16GB RAM and 3 TB storage space, the SSD is also recommended for good gaming. Etc. As a number of screens, I would go to 2 at the beginning and possibly upgrade to 3 later. Dan I definitely recommend you either build the PC yourself or order it from dubaro. Great service great price. There you choose a basic model and then configure it to What you want to have. With the mouse, I recommend checking what feels good to you. I have e.g. A relatively simple but tall mouse. For the keyboard, I definitely recommend one with lighting and also a mechanical one. Above all, expensive here does not have to be good. In addition, I recommend a desk pad that has its own USB inputs (Will be incredibly prague in the long run. Then I recommend a cable headset, which nevertheless has a USB (no Bluetooth) With 3000Euro you are really good at the beginning. But also as a warning PC gaming is something completely different from the swich. Above all, it takes time to get used to it. Another recommendation, if you want PC gaming let the PS5 way then you can stay with the Swich as well.


The budget is one thing, the other is what you actually need.

Do you really need bling-bling lighting? How many monitors, in what resolution? Do you want to play on all monitors and use the highest graphics settings? How much storage space is required? How fast is your internet connection? Do you need Wi-Fi / Bluetooth support? Sound card (internal / external; optional but depending on peripherals)? Capture Card (for recording, for streaming)? Water or air cooling, soundproofed? CD drives (or other discs)?

Mouse, keyboard, steering wheel, joystick, keypad, headset (or headphones, microphone separated), camera (correct, or webcam), VR headset… There's a very, very large selection in all price ranges - what is your desire?

There are even housings that cost several thousand euro…

If it shouldn't go to extremes, a maximum of 2000 euro - only for the PC - would be enough, but, as I said, it depends on the need.


Thank you! Especially with the RGB I really have to think again


Boar, thank you for taking so much time. I take it to heart!


I personally think nothing of PC lighting. But if it should be, then you would need the right parts that are also compatible with each other. Housing, motherboard, RAM, graphics card, fan, water cooling, monitor & all kinds of peripherals (even mouse pads) and certainly more are available in bling-bling form.


Gladly, there are too many people who just go to Amazon and just type in a good gaming PC and then search for price, these people don't even know what the PC has to do, and they also have to replace the PC at some point, since this simply does not come along, if you order it (as I have already recommended on Dubaro), you can simply open it and retrofit. The same also applies to self-made PCs, but if you have no idea, you should leave it and better to Dubaro go.

If you have any questions, you can write to me directly.


And don't hit 3000 directly. I'm really experienced in gaming but my setup only cost about 2000


On the subject of RGB lighting, is not necessary, but I recommend it on the keyboard because it is very practical even in the dark, furthermore you can have it on the desk pad, because why not if you put USB slots there you need one anyway USB slot.