Get a PS5 or rebuild your PC Is it difficult to decide?

- in PlayStation

I just can't decide whether to get a PS5 or buy new hardware for my PC so that it has more power. Currently an 8GB RAM memory, a 400 watt power supply and the GTX 1050 ti are installed. I would like to get the Sapphire Nito + RX 5700 XT and for that I would have to buy a 500 watt power supply and a 16 GB RAM memory. I would be priced at 500 euro.

With the PS5 I would of course be cheaper for 400 euro. But I would have to buy the RDR2 game, which I currently gamble on my PC, and start all over again. In terms of power consumption, my PC with the new hardware would use a lot more than the PS5, right? Pay close attention to it. But I also pay close attention to performance, because my PC would then be better again. I don't yet know how much FPS the game runs on the PS5 and whether you can play it smoothly on 4k. Does anyone have any idea? I just can't decide, hope I can help somebody.


Wait with the upgrade, put aside 700 euro (you pay less for games, not for online, 70 euro for a controller, etc. So that should be there) and then you get something much better than the PS5. Keyword: RX 6800 (you also get money for your old parts).


If you want the 100 euro difference, you can get it back in 10 games. And does the 150w matter that much? Another advantage of PC, you can always play all the games you have and are not dependent on the console generation.


I claim you have it back after just 5 games. When you gamble online there's also something added. You save everything.

And of course the games look better because of the better hardware.


Overall, the console is simpler and cheaper, buy it once, plug it in and start playing.

PC is more expensive and complicated and you have to upgrade more often. You can do a lot more than just play, and you can set higher settings.

Do you also play with friends? If so, are they all at the PC or more at the console? Do you prefer to play with a gamepad or rather with a mouse / keyboard?

The CPU of your PC may also have to be changed, or which one is currently installed?


Have now calculated a difference of 10 euro. I didn't even think about the online rip-off 👍


I don't often play with friends. I like to play with a controller via PC because I can lie on the couch. I only have a new CPU in it that is the Ryzen 7 2700x


A general request for such consoles. In the old days you could not continue to use the games or some games as soon as you bought a new console. Among other things, therefore, a console was never considered for me. Was it like that and if so is it still like that? Then, a pc would make more sense. Even if it is supposedly more expensive, depending on what you plan to do with the PC and what requirements there are for games, for example.


Overall, the console is simpler and cheaper, buy it once, plug it in and start playing.

That's true

PC is more expensive and complicated and you have to upgrade more often.

Nothing different with a console.

My buddy rebuilt his PC 8 years ago and it's still top graphics and speed and a console always lasts 5 years and then you need the games for the new console again and the PC remains PC ready, so actually it stays it is more expensive for me. PC just has more advantages


The console is significantly more powerful for the price. You have to admit that as a PC player. BUT it can't be upgraded. In addition, you can't play all the games, do any office work and CO. The games are also more expensive.

That's why I would use the PC and save a little more. As I said, 700 euro is a good price.


All right, the Ryzen 2700 is great, it will last for another 5-7 years.

You need new RAM (new KIT 2x 8GB with 3000 MHz), sell the old RAM, and a new graphics card such as RTX 3060/3070.

Having a controller on a PC doesn't always work so well because some games don't offer that much controller support. If you play difficult games online, you may have fewer chances than professional players with a mouse / keyboard.


In order to maintain the level of the console, of course you have to dig deeper into your pocket with the PC. In the end it all depends on what you use the PC for. If you keep the old one, you'll still have a PC to play games that aren't on the console & have a workstation. That being said, your PC has an underground performance relative to the NextGen of consoles.

If you are looking for a solid price-performance ratio, I would recommend the PS5, provided you have the appropriate playback medium.


I largely agree with your statements, only the statement that the PC from 8 years ago still had top graphics and speed, that is probably very generous.

8 years ago the most expensive graphics card was the GTX 690, which now only manages around 15-20 FPS in Full HD… In 4K it would be 3-4 FPS. 😂 😉


Yes that with the 8 years is quite a time, but at that time he built in the most expensive of the most expensive, he can still play many games for the fact that the PC was upgraded 8 years ago, so he has never said before that this and that the game can't play, in the last few years he has already saved a lot of money and with that he would like to turn his PC into a nasty machine