Motion sickness sensitive to smell?

- in PlayStation

I just played a ps4 game for several hours. I got worse and worse and then I turned off the game. Next to me I had half a chocolate roll that I ate before an hour and suddenly couldn't even stand the smell. I got so sick that I almost vomited. Had to throw it away and ventilate.

is it normal that you are extremely sensitive to smells? Now that I've thrown it away and aired it, I'm a little better.


Now that it is almost 30 degrees again, everything is strictly correct.

also happened to me while playing a video game. I got excited because I was just losing all the time. I got sick, vomited, it's stress and adrenaline. Many simply say this is blood sugar level. But if it isn't that's stress!

Stress hormone is adrenaline and is made in the adrenal glands which is called hot adrenaline!

You should really take a break every 40 minutes, get up and move around.

when you sit so cramped. Can you get thrombosis. Blood builds up in the legs, which is why the headache. In our sleep we unconsciously turn and turn automatically.

If you sit like this for about 3 to 4 hours you will get tension and seizures!