But don't get motion sickness everywhere, why?

- in PlayStation

A question that has accompanied me more often recently.

If I drive in the car and read something, for example, then I will feel as bad as possible in a short time. But if I go by ship, train or anything else then I have no motion sickness, strangely enough.

Plus, with some games on the PC or Playstation, I very often get sickness from motion sickness after a while.

Isn't it the case that if I'm prone to motion sickness, it doesn't matter where it should occur, so that I have to feel sick on the train, on the ship?!

I look forward to your answers and guesses!


I have it like you do: in the car, but not in the train. And also in the bus, but not in the subway.

On the ship, I only felt nauseous when the swell was strong, but more on the small ferries.

Maybe it also depends on how big the room you are in.

In video games, I only have that on small screens.


My mustard with it:

I myself rarely have an upset stomach, if then under the following circumstances:

Driving in the back seat… Generally speaking, the closer to the rear axle, the slacker… So in a van in the middle row is still okay.

In computer games with an ego perspective.

When you say driving a car while reading… What is it like when you don't read but look out?

According to my observation, when the body moves (waves etc.) the eye does not notice the movement (because in the cabin of the ship), which causes problems for the brain.

The eye sees how you run through a 3D landscape, but the other senses, especially the sense of balance, say "nope we're sitting on the couch". Conversely: Balance reports constant up and down, eye says "nope we're on page 87, fourth line from the top".

My stepmother was so miserable while sailing, only after many hours of coaxing she came out… And after a while she felt better, which I also attribute to the fact that she has now also seen the movement (horizon) and not only felt.


Thank you for the detailed feedback! So if I look out the window while driving the car, then it goes without any problems. In the ship, however, funnily enough, there's no nausea, even when there are waves and I'm in my cabin without a window. That just amazes me. It would have to trigger the same phenomenon of nausea in me as when I read in the car and can't look out, according to your explanation. Exactly these opposite connections make me ponder so hehe.


Maybe it's because the swell usually has something constant… In the same rhythm up and down (or back and forth)

In the car, however, left, left, right, left, right, right, right…


In a nutshell: I feel sick while reading in the car, because I don't perceive the surroundings and look out, but the same, where I can't perceive the surroundings either, in my closed cabin on the ship when there are waves, but on the contrary now absolutely NONE Nausea. Why?! A mystery.


Super interesting, also a very logical possibility. In the end, it remains a mystery what exactly makes the difference.