How do you like that (PS5 rip-off)?

- in PlayStation

Lately I've been seeing offers on eBay that are so bold with the price that I really wonder who falls for such a rip-off. Sometimes offers well above the actual sales price. Have seen offers for over 1000 euro. What makes people pull others away? Ultimately, they use the "emergency" of the players who did not get any. I can understand if you want to make 100-200 euro profit but not that much.


Money money money.

For such people, it's just another way of making money. On the one hand, I wish that no one should be so stupid as to respond.

On the other hand, I hope that those who pay so much money now will be blown away.

And whoever describes this as an "emergency" can no longer help. Currently, the PS5 does not have such great advantages over a PS4 that it is then necessary to pay such exorbitant prices for it

There it is apparently again the greed of people to want to be one of the first in such things.


Supply and demand. But no emergency is taken advantage of because a PS5 is not essential.

If you have too much money, you can also pay more.


I think it's good, as long as there are a few Sony fanboys who get it, it's still too cheap.


If I currently had a PS5, I would sell it at a high price and buy a new one in a few months. As long as there are idiots who spend so much money, that's the way it is.


Well, as you have already written, many take advantage of this "emergency". Many children and young people want a PS5 for Christmas. Just imagine, you can't show off because you don't have a Ps5. Then you wouldn't be awesome (pity, pity)

So parents have to buy these spoiled brats, no matter what the price.

And if you think that's bold, then read the following article: