Your opinion on the PSN / PS4 ban system?

- in PlayStation

I think the ban system is really bad. Do you have any suggestions for improvement or do you really like something about the Ban System?


The banning system from Sony is probably the one on the console market, generally the complete software and the service from Sony is miserable. I don't even have to start talking about the consoles. 😂😂 they are.

I have never been timeouted, banned, or warned on my console. Okay, I'm not a little kid anymore, like the entire Playstation community is. Of course, they behave in such a way that they receive a ban directly from Sony.


I've never been banned! Just treat people with respect and avoid unwanted stress! It's not that difficult.


Of course it's more like that small children who are young and stupid actually get something haha.


Just don't send any messages.

PSN (Ban)? Am AmiyahWithdrawal
PS4 strange news? uk ukrainianBear