Do you find games look much better on PC or do you notice a difference?

- in PlayStation

So we all know the topic the console should be better than that and then people come up with pc master race but seriously i notice between for example Battlefield 1 on the ps4 pro and bf1 on Nem pc with highest setting hardly any difference in the same way fps Nen difference between 30 and 60 fps, I can still say but about 60 fps I notice nothing more so here's the question you or some people really see this Vary difference? (I have to say I play much longer on PC than on console) (and I still have a poll here because it just like that)


PC has definitely the biggest potential in terms of performance But comes with the look on the screen. If you have a 144 hz monitor that is much more fluid


Normal screens are just 60hz and therefore can only play 60 FPS


That really does not matter to me, whether on the PS4 or the PC the pebble has one pixel more.

Whether I play on PC or PS4 depends on the game.

Shooter and strategy games on PC, Beat'em Ups on console and RPGs where I get it cheaper. (Games like Dark Souls on console and Dark Souls 3 on PC)


Well, the difference from 144 fps to 240 fps is not really huge, the difference of 60 fps to 144 is quite big


Think I've played on good screens I do not know myself with screens from main thing have Nen picture but I have friends who absolutely want to convince me of their pc and felt all their money in their pc and co stuck and which bleeds every time the heart I sit there unimpressed


144 Hz monitors are pretty expensive. (200 euro) If you have something you should remember the difference at the latest when playing


Everyone is gambling where he likes it the most is the question just because I have so many of these discussions between pc and consoles lately, for example, shooter could never play on the pc i do not manage to aim with the mouse when I first had Nen controller in my hand it clicked (by the way uh dark souls good taste;)


Maybe I notice the difference sometimes but not enough that I really remember it maybe I also expect too much because sometimes they really like little kids jumping around when they say that looks so much better and is so much fluid… When I came back thinking so I think Battlefield 4 on the PC Nen bit faster or more fluid and that is the only thing I remember


So if they think so much I think that's silly. In the end, the difference is not that huge either. At most if you want to be a professional sportsman or something you should have 144 Hz.