With the YouTuber here the brightness is very high and rather in a gruff tone, as with the old edition, someone knows how to do it because my brightness is already at the top, but it still doesn't look that way
Google is your best friend at something like this: https://manuals.playstation.net/document/de/psvita/basic/brightness_ps.html#:~:text=Zum%20Einstellen%20der%20Bildschirmhelligkeit%20halten,die%20gew%C3%BCnschte%20Helligkeit%20eingestellt%20ist.
But that's vita
Sorry I made a mistake. Nevertheless, you should just google it instead of creating a question here.
However, if there's no setting option on the PS4 itself, check the settings of the TV / monitor. It can't be anything else.