As soon as I have to render something in a program (editing program, Blender, ZBrush, Cinema4D and Unreal Engine) freezed my PC, is it on the stream?

- in PlayStation

As soon as I have to render something in a program (like in the programs described above) my computer freezes. And no, it's not the hardware, I have a new PC with hardware from 2016, it's not bad at all, but something else occurred to me, because not only if I freeze something render the computer, but as soon as I overload the PC a little too much (compute complex programs in general) the PC also freezes.

Since I have a bearded dragon, and the terrarium bulbs probably draw a lot of power, and the PC also draws a lot of power (+2 screens) I remembered that it may be because the PC gets too little power, could that be? Because everything runs over an extension cable. On this extension cable is the PC, the 2 monitors, the terrarium and a Playstation. Can this be the problem? The extension cable has already been about 5 hard years behind. If so, I would of course rebuild everything directly. LG!

P.S: I've already tried everything in Windows which somehow draws too much power by turns off. My cooling is very up to date and I've checked everything for errors and bad system settings, that's not it.


Exactly the same problem had a buddy of mine too. He has the computer plugged without extension / multiple plug directly into the socket and thus it was fixed. Just try it.


Okay thank you very much, I will try it.


I would not have thought now… What was it for a power supply?

but sometimes it's amazing. We used to have a customer who logged off something every time he turned on the lights in the basement. It was gone after installing a new distribution.