Dark Souls 1 - Summon players and NPCs?

- in PlayStation

I'm again… And hope for the help of DS professionals. Although I have searched the Internet for solutions, but these are usually in English. Since my English is not so good, I'm afraid I miss something important.

I'm somewhere in the beginning of the PS4 version of DS1 Remastered and I can't find any signs to summon players or NPCs for the boss battles.

Above all, I'm almost desperate with these two bell-watchers.

That I could see no signs of foreign players, could perhaps be justified by the fact that no foreign player has put a sign.

But according to my research, two NPCs would have had to be "summonable".

I approached Knight Solaire before and received from him the white soapstone. He also said that I could not overlook his sign, because it is so beautiful.

I freed Lautrec from Carim… Even addressed him in the Feuerband shrine and received from him a Sunlight medal.

But there was nowhere to be found in the whole area in front of the Boss Guard's boss area.

I have used my only humanity, so at the top left at least a "1" is. Rebooted the game, fought over to the boss area and waited for a felt eternity, in the hope that any of the two will finally be summoned.

Out of perplexity, I put a mark on the floor with the white soapstone… And was summoned by another player in no time.

My humanity has risen through my help in other worlds… But nevertheless I was in my world on my own.

The bell-watchers I finally managed somehow solo. But it does give me a bit of a headache, though I may not even be able to summon NPCs in the future… Which in the Boss fights a little bit for distraction.

I can't explain what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing. I do not invade anyone and I do not have "sins" according to this guy in the bell tower.

Do I need a certain amount of humanity to make the signs visible? Or what could the problem still be?


Not only do you need to take humanity, but also use it on Bonfire by making yourself human ("inverting cavities"). Then you should find the call sign of Solaire right in front of the fog of the Gargoyles (really after the last ladder, a few inches from the fog).


At the Bonfire reverse the excavation?! - Oh, I've never done that before… But I'm wondering why my character still looks dehydrated after using humanity.

Do I need another humanity at the beacon to reverse the erosion? The stuff is in my style of play unfortunately the most in short supply '

That gives me hope directly, maybe to create yet another game section = D


You have to have a humanity attached to the character (top left a 1). Then you can reverse the excavation.

Also, if you've reversed the excavation, you can ignite the beacon to have more estus.


Thanks alot! I will try this at the next opportunity = D

Somehow there seem to be many subtleties in this game that I do not know… And maybe not even stumble upon it by accident.

More Estus sounds super useful as well. I have to deal with 5 pieces… Which is usually very, very short for me. - But to light the beacon, I must have probably completed a certain area section or done a certain boss?

After all, I found the bells guard and then the goat demon and opened a door to some shoals. - At the moment I'm not so sure if I have to go there now… Or visit this cave at the cemetery. (3 NPC who have appeared in the shrine have been talking about a graveyard)

Since you make the impression of knowing the game really well… Do you also know what an opponent it is with a small, red, spherical creature with small spider legs? I met such a creature once in the city of the undead… I have been able to switch it off with a lot of effort… And then I have met no further.


You can summon as long as the Area Boss has not been defeated.

Do you also know what an opponent it is with a small, red, spherical creature with small spider legs?

Vmtl. Something like that: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/vagrant

The result in the end by the fact that someone else has not resumed his humanity elsewhere (has to do with the multiplayer).


I'll do a second answer and summarize, so that you can give Etter the "most helpful answer", because I think I can only give at least two answers to your question.

Every Dark Souls part works differently with its online component.

In the first part, you simply have no choice but to participate in co-op or PvP by ignoring humanity and never reversing your erosion.

As soon as you turn around your excavation at a beacon, you are able to call other players (right next to beacons and in front of Bosstüren are mostly symbols for it) but you are also vulnerable, it means someone can invade your world and try to kill you, That's the way it is with Dark Souls.

You either get humanity through the items you can consume (and they heal you completely by the way) and sometimes, after you kill opponents, you also get humanity well written. If you pay close attention, you can see in the heap of souls that are flowing into your character after killing enemies and seeing a black something that reflects humanity.

If you've reversed your erosion then with excess humanity (the value above left) you can kindle beacons to a conscience degree and get more estus. Protipp: Do not do that with every beacon, otherwise you'll quickly lose your sense of humanity. The most worthwhile beacons near the boss or in really heavy territory.

Then: you are lucky to have met a Vagrant. They are very very rare. I know people who have spent 200+ hours in Dark Souls and have not seen anyone yet. And then again the others got 3 in just one day to face.

I could help you with the pathfinding, but the game benefits from exploring yourself. The only tip I give is: If you find something too heavy, then it may be that you should not yet be in this place. Also, I'll give you the tip: Do not mess yourself up. Confusion in finding your way is temporary, but the experience of discovering something new without prior knowledge is gone forever. I did not play Dark Souls back then before I knew a lot about the game, and I'm still upset today that I got info from the internet. A few questions are ok, but spoilers do not even turn you into what's coming. The safest option is to ask people who hopefully will get some sort of spoiler free answers. I like to put myself at your disposal, I also like to write pn's here on good questions, I love to be of help.

Have fun first.


Great, thanks a lot = D - You helped me a great deal with that. And I do not have to worry about being completely on my own if I really fail completely at a boss.

And yes, I saw exactly one such thing. Good to know that they really belong in the game, how they are created and that they are just rare. - Let's see if I will eventually meet the other versions = D


Oh! Thank you so much! With such a detailed answer I would not have expected! And I'm sorry that I can't give everyone a star.

I'm really grateful for possible spoiler-free answers = D - Since I want to try to explore this game as far as possible, alone. That's why I avoid Youtube, because you usually just see too much… Or discovered techniques for successful boss battles, which you might have found out with enough defeats yourself.

In addition, the feeling is simply wonderful when you suddenly unlock a shortcut, somewhere can open a door, find a dealer… Or almost terrified before a smoke screen is and does not know… Whether it is really behind a boss fight behind or just leads the way. - And also the struggle with oneself, not reflexively to take flight or frantically swing around with the sword, until you run out of steam… Make the game somehow special something

But sometimes when I fail miserably in every area I have found, I'm occasionally not sure whether I have perhaps overlooked a path or are really rotting badly '- The five-headed serpent? In any case, it has been deconstructed at a distance… Dragons have already blasted my knight with lightning in a very short time… And these ghosts, I would like to never visit XD

But I still have ideas, which ways I can still try… Maybe one way or the other turns out to be feasible for me = D

And of course, I'm glad to hear that with this Vagrant, I was just lucky enough to find him. For a moment, I thought I had hardly hurt the shock of my life, when suddenly this thing appeared in an unexpected place, and an undead knight shot me his crossbow bolts in the back XD

Still briefly to the conversion of the excess humanity into more Estus. (If you can have humanity in excess ^^ ') - Since I'm usually a professional dying and therefore usually have to walk around without humanity… Would it make sense, if I go humanity if possible immediately in a beacon go? For example, by helping others in boss battles, collecting humanity and investing it before I die?

And I already got the impression that the game has mercy on me and my way of playing, that so far no other player has attacked me. XD - But if you have to reverse the erosion on the beacon, I probably would never have an invader without your help yet a sign for summonable players seen XD - Where… On the Invader I like to renounce ^^ '


Concerning excess humanity: Do you have to estimate whether it is worthwhile for you? That depends on several factors:

1.) Are you a shell so you need at least 2 "soft" humanity (top left, not the items; the term "soft" humanity is the general term for humanity that flutes after dying. "Hard" humanity are the items ) to start a beacon. You have to make yourself human first and then have one to fire.

2.) Are you already Human enough 1 "soft" humanity.

3.) But always have to calculate that when you sit down to the beacon all your great new opponent friends come back. So, if you've come all the way to the Bosnian door, is not it worth it to populate with opponents all the way? Well, it is up to you to estimate the possibilities.

4.) Beacons can only be lit up to a certain point. Meaning, someday you will not be able to scald humanity any more.

Have accepted your friend request and like to help.


I definitely wish you a lot of fun ^^