Star wars jedi fall or ps4 problems?

- in PlayStation

I got star wars recently and noticed on the first planet bogano that something was wrong. And there are sometimes really big lags where it depends as if I want to play games from 2019 with an old PC from 2012. Usually something like that shouldn't happen, should it? Sometimes it got stuck where I thought it was hanging, but then it went on. I also noticed violent bugs, for example I wanted to travel to another planet, then I went to this table and suddenly I was out of the world and could do nothing more. Or on dathomir I just ran on the way and suddenly fell out of the world. It didn't work until I restarted the game. Do you know what that could be? So the bugs I conclude that I don't have the updates but the performance problems? I have the standard ps4.


This may be due to the stutters that the PS4 simply reaches its limits when it comes to Fallen Order and can no longer keep up well in some sections.
But can also (and that's where the bugs come into play) on a slow hard drive. Do you have similar in other games?


Ne only in star wars. Red dead redemption 2 (I take rdr 2 as an example because it is also a big game that needs a lot of power) runs smoothly without stuttering without anything.


Then maybe it is generally because you have not installed any updates. This not only fixes bugs but also performance. Try to update first


Just made let's see if it's better now


Hardly anything has changed and now the game is completely stuck for the first time so I couldn't do anything anymore


Very strange. Possibly really a defect in the hard disk