Rainbow six siege add ons not working ps4?

- in PlayStation

I bought a special edition of rainbow six siege on ps4 a long time ago to see i have 2 add ons: "operator pack year 1/2" but they are not activated in the game so i do not have the operator at the add on are available one can help mkr how I can activate it


Not only do you need to own the add-ons, you also need to have them installed.


No, with R6 these are not add-ons but quasi "unlocks". Like a skin that you buy.


Not correct. It is an add-on that has to be downloaded from the PS Store and not an in-game purchase.

I just checked again on my PS4.


I have


And how can I unlock that in the game?


If it is installed, the operators are automatically activated. Go to "Additional content" in the main menu under the game and check whether the corresponding additional content says "Installed" there.


Where do i see the additional content, i can't find the menu


PS4 main menu> navigate to the game, but don't open it> navigate below the game> open the list of available additional content

Enable Ps4 add ons? Ca Catamarantaxi