Gambling addiction PlayStation fifa and before online casino?

- in PlayStation

My husband has a gambling addiction. For years it went with gambling online casino or directly at the casino now, luckily, he has stopped the online casino for a few months so no money is lost and I hope it stays that way.

Now he plays too much PlayStation all sorts of games again, but currently what he plays the longest and even plays for hours on weekends until early in the morning when he's late on duty is Fifa.

First of all, it really gets on my nerves that he is only gambling for hours and doesn't want to do anything with you and we have 2 children, one of which is only 7 months old.

Second, he gets upset at Fifa all the time, is agro and fleeing around.

People please can someone tell me if this is normal when the men play Fifa that they are so freaking out and aggressive. Then you should let it stay, I keep saying but no, the game continues.

What do I have to do so that he finally stops gambling for so long. Since we had problems with online casinos before, I'm glad that he no longer gambled away our money and "only" played PlayStation. But everything in measure would be ok but not so. Can you help me, I don't know.



So first of all you can be proud that he is no longer wasting any money.

It is normal to gamble late into the night. That happens to me and my friend too. It just shouldn't come to the fact that everything else (family and work) is neglected.

You can also get aggressive when something doesn't work - it happens to me too. As long as he doesn't smash any furniture I wouldn't make a big deal.

If you feel uncomfortable with the current situation and would like him to have more time for the family, you will probably not be able to avoid a personal conversation with him. Strangers can't help you because they don't know you and him. Couple therapy might also help.

The important thing is that he will only stop if he wants to and there has to be a reason for him. The can z. B be that you feel uncomfortable - but it doesn't have to be.

You can't avoid a conversation if you want something to change.


I also go crazy when I play… But I control it a bit because my mother is upset


Many thanks for the answer.

Well, I don't know how many controllers he's broken in the past few years. Because they like to fly through the air when he's upset. If that is also normal then I'm reassured.

Your tip to talk to him I've tried that several times. We have talked about it many times, but maybe it will get better for a while then it will go on like we do now. At the moment he is still playing at Fifa because he seems to be participating in such a stupid tournament?

I'm of course proud that he did not gamble away any more money and I hope that it stays that way because I often had it that he did not gamble a few months but then started again. Hope it won't be the same this time.

He doesn't want therapy. Is not ready for this. That's why I asked here so that I might get tips. Because personal conversations with him didn't really help either.


Well, we're not going to break controllers now… That might be a little bit crazy.

How does he react to conversations? Did you tell him how uncomfortable it makes you feel when he does this?

To what extent does reason work for him? I mean your children will sleep at that time and he could certainly wake them up with shouting. Doesn't he care?

Apart from that, is your relationship going well? Are there any other problems? If so, the problem can perhaps be solved by solving other problems beforehand.

How did he overcome his gambling addiction? It's not easy like that… If he has done it, maybe he can do it with the same method with the current one?

Is he otherwise aggressive outside of gaming? If so, I advise you to get help for your own sake and that of the children.


No, otherwise he is not aggressive and is otherwise very loving and sensible. So do not worry in this regard, everything is fine with the kids, thank you very much for the attention.

So now he doesn't scream around in the middle of the night but keeps running around so not loudly.

We don't have other problems that is what bothers me most at the moment and because I usually address the topic while he is playing, he is not very talkative, then rather gets excited I think I should find a more suitable time to talk to him.


Yes, when you play you are sometimes like being in a tunnel… Especially when things are not going so well there you don't want to be disturbed any further.

The best time is when he is thinking "clearly". So not stressed or anything like that. Then you should address what bothers you and why. Tell him how you feel and what kind of changes you want. Find compromises that will make you both happy. So z. B that at a certain time the PlayStation is off (or something else). Be proud of small changes.


Breaking that with the controller is also normal. Everyone who gambles a lot has broken at least 1 controller times for me it was 4 in total.


Nope… I gamble a lot - nothing is broken with me. Same with my friend. Depends on the person


Thank you very much for the great tips I will definitely try now. Hope it gets better then. Unfortunately, you do not always come up with what you could do that it would be better, because I believe that you increase yourself so that you want to change something but simply can't get on out of sheer desperation.


Yes it depends but it's normal


As a gamer, I can tell you: In Fifa you can also sink your money. When he's playing online. There you can buy card packs. The thought of always drawing the better player is nothing more than gambling. Is called Gatcha.


So it is not unusual for a lot of people to get upset at FIFA, I would say. 😄

However, you can get rid of some money there if you play online. There you can buy points with real money, which you can spend there for various things. In several countries, a ban on so-called "loot boxes" is already being discussed, as the mechanism is already considered to be a game of chance and is intended to promote addictive behavior.

Maybe he has found a replacement there now.


Thanks for the information. Yes, he had already done that a few times but at the moment he is not doing it luckily, I hope it stays that way.