Looking for PS4 games recommendations?

- in PlayStation

I'm completely new to ps4, so I'm looking for a few game recommendations this way.

I'm totally into character building, both from the stats and from the outside. Preferably female character. ^^

Those were my ps3 and ps2 favorites so far. Play the ps2 regularly.

farcry 3/4, saintsrow4, final fantasy x / x2, Diablo3, midnight club3, tekken4, gta San Andreas, metalgear rising, tony hawks underground2 / American wasteland, call of duty Mw3, black ops 2, the mark of kri, fifa2001, dark cloud 1/2, killzone 1/2, crysis.

I've definitely ordered ni no kuni and bo3 for the PS4.


With charackterbuilding you can't avoid role-playing games. Hence Witcher, Skyrim, Dragons Dogma. Otherwise I can recommend Until Dawn. A horror film as a video game that real actors were used for. God of War is also mandatory


I never wanted to rule out rpgs and character building is not a must if the protagonist is cool anyway or if the game is different (like farcry, for example). Horror or anything else is not for me at all, I'll have a look at Dragons dogma for a review.


Cyberpunk maybe or FIFA