Playstation 4 game updates. Question no idea?

- in PlayStation

Hi. I don't have internet. Games. The. Are unlocked. Do the CDs stay un-updated? Later I want to if I can. The data. From playing and stuff. Load onto a playstation 4 hard drive. Because of the space. But there's only the memory data. On it. Or? So like storage space profiel and sooo. When do updates and stuff stay with them? Dlc s I only know that one. At least. Kurtz with the internet probably. Must be connected so that what can be done with dlc s after the start with the device? But updates remain. Only in use. Ooodeeerrr? So they're always gone. Or


No network functions without updates, but in this case it doesn't matter because there's no internet anyway.

Some games first download a data packet to be able to play them, but is rather rare with the PS.

Game updates themselves are only kept as long as they are installed. In German: If you throw them down, there are no updates when reinstalling.

And a little tip; if you are not autistic please write normal. You get eye cancer from your gibberish, apart from not understanding it properly

