My friends changes to negative what to do?

- in PlayStation

I have 2 buddies in my school with whom I understood very well but earlier, I then gave me a ps4 3 months ago to gamble once in a while. In the same way my friend bought a PS4 after 1 months, showed him the so-called (Fortnite) game, then I played with him from time to time, and with him it went so far that one day he bought my friend a skin Then he bought skins every single day and has become abnormally addicted! He never goes out with me, wants to gamble all the time and never communicate with me unless it's about Fortnite, he goes straight to school after school to play from 13:00 to 01:00 and already has over 300 Euro spent within 2 months for Fortnite so it has ruined and is still going on. And the other friend of mine is abnormally lying, I ask him, for example, if we should go shopping for Oberhausen Centro bit, and he means so "Yeah" after a day later, he says again "ne is pointless" (because he because broke) then I asked if we meet next in BK and eat he said "Sure" then he suddenly has no more time. Then he once said he had also bought ps4 and has not arrived, etc. Not only is he lying, he has also become a traitor when I was not at school because I was sick, he said I would tails because I'm on the way to Hospital was and he saw me.

My problem is that both of my friends we got along well and now it's just down hill or today no more, one of my friend only gambling and the other is broke can't afford, nothing at all, I feel so lonely while lonely, and have no more relish on my friends or something, I also find a suitable girlfriend because the love never comes. I just have no idea what to do I always go to the gym alone, sometimes go out shopping by myself but really fun does not make it like before… Now to my real question how can I solve it how do I find better friends what should I do around to be in a better mood?


Everyone changes in the course of his life! Your friends have really changed in a negative way. Let her go! Should they alone be happy! My friends would not be her anymore!

New friends can be found z. B. In an association. Or you prefer to live alone for a while! Is still better than such contemporaries!

And you'll find love by keeping your eyes open and flirting!


Bad tip


Really good tip! 👍


The one has changed to the negative because he has no money?

If you like a girl, you could address her and maybe go to the movies or have coffee. Please do not write a letter, your German is horrible. Maybe that will result in something.


That can happen sometimes, just in puberty.

Give your friend some time. You play a lot as a boy, sometimes you have nothing else in mind, but that does not work.Fortnite is not trendy anymore and your other boyfriend is probably embarrassed that he does not have that much money. That does not mean that he is a traitor. But you really should go to an association, maybe football or martial arts? You get to know new people, and maybe even a friendship develops. But true friendship does not just mean understanding and having fun, it means being there for each other and being able to trust each other and other things. As I said, the best way to go to a club


No, because he is lying he does not say that he has no money but seeks out as always the already 1000 years old, that is completely understanding if he has no money, but that he does not admit above all best friend then I know too not anymore, of course it may be embarrassing for him but not yet 4 years…


Ne actually good tip!


Thanks for the feedback, Cozyx.


Yes, that's right, thank you, when I was 11 I also gambled a lot and nothing else was in my head, maybe that's because of the need to be mature…

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