PSN (Ps4) does not log in due to unregistered IP, what to do?

- in PlayStation

To get straight to the problem and not talk around the bush: My problem is that I took my PlayStation 4 on vacation. On the first day after arrival, I was able to go online as usual and view my friends list, etc. But then nothing happened anymore…

I constantly have the error message

Np-40833-8 and NW-31473-8 Get…

Have everything I could try and finally contacted the Internet provider, who said that the problem with the PSN, because this has not entered our IP. Now I'm abroad and there are of course fees if I ask the PSN, which I think is rather unnecessary if it's just a week. What is also curious is that I can't even access the PSN website when I'm logged in to our Wi-Fi, because with other wireless networks it works.

Can I still do anything?

Would it be possible to describe the PSN my problem by e-mail?

I thank you in advance for approaches or solutions to the problem.

PSN Ps4 does not log in due to unregistered IP, what to do PSN Ps4 does not log in due to unregistered IP, what to do - 1

Here are both error codes explained. I hope I could help.

I would wait until you are back home and then ask Ps Support. They can certainly help you.


With me I had at the beginning with my new Ps4 (slim) also problems with the Internet, but then I simply took a cable instead of wireless.


Thank you! I honestly believe it will not be solved either way within a week… I'm already connected to LAN and have also tried the workaround with the MTU settings, unfortunately without success.