PS4 download too slow despite LAN cable?

- in PlayStation

After our move, we also bought a new DSL contract from O2. We now have the Fritz Box 7490 with a maximum download of 100 MBit / per second. Now I have connected my PS4 to the router via LAN cable and only achieve 10 Mbit / second although the connection test came out 80 Mbit / per second. What can i do there? I have DNS settings in it and MTU but nothing helps. My 40 GB download now takes 4 hours.


Stupid question but sure that it is 10 Mbit and not Mbyte. 8x10 would be 80 which would be quite plausible with a 100K line.


No 100 Mbit / s!


I mean with the ps4. You say it says 10mbit / s download. Are you sure that there's not 10MByte? So MB instead of MB. Because if there's not MBit but MByte then your line would be almost fully utilized. Or I just understood something completely flat.


Maybe someone else is pulling a lot of data from the router via LAN.


No, the PS4 is the only device over LAN


No, 10 Mbits is completely safe!


Ok, that's actually quite strange. Have you tested it at different times? And with different games? The download servers may be a bit overloaded with corona grade.


Already tested everything! And we don't have it anymore in March. I think it's not Corona.