Ps4 download slow despite LAN cable and IPV4?

- in PlayStation

Since I got my PS4 in 2017, I've only had problems with slow internet and broken connections. My provider was previously Unity Media, which now belongs to Vodafone. I then received the Vodafone station and was thrilled. I have reached speeds of up to 150 Mbit / s on all devices. Everywhere except on my PS4. Since then I've tried several repeaters and different DLans. I'm never above c.a. With the PS4 15 Mbit / s came. Then I decided to lay a Lan cable across the apartment. No sooner said than done, and lo and behold: in the internal speed test on the PS4, values like 112 Mbit / s sometimes came out. Call of Duty Warzone with more than 100GB I could in c.a. 5 hours download. Played all night yesterday. No lags, no crashes, nothing.

Then today I switched on the PS4 again and tested the speed several times and never came over 30 MBit / s, sometimes I got values like 10MBit / s when testing. I'm currently downloading the update from COD Warzone: 30 GB and the approximate time to download is 4 hours. I really do not know anymore. I felt like I tried every DNS server in the settings and almost every MTU value, but I just don't get over 30 Mbit / s, although I get 151 Mbit / s with my cell phone, for example.

I really hope you can help me. I'm grateful for all tips.


15 Mbit or 15 MB?


15 Mbit / s


For sure? Because 15 MB is almost 150 Mbits.


Yes, I'm very sure. All the information I have given above is in Mbit / s