Should I play Outlast (1,2) when I was 14?

- in PlayStation

Hi. Today there was an action in the Playstation Store where you could buy Outlast and Outlast 2 for a total of about 7.50 euro. I still had 10 euro credit left on my account for several months and had not been used. Then I took the chance and got both games. Now I've been playing Outlast for the first few minutes and don't know if I'll let it be because even in bed while I'm trying to sleep, I sometimes think that there's a monster in my room. I'm only 14 years old (my mother allows me to play any game). Now I'm really scared to keep playing. Can someone reassure me or is that the way I described it? (That it's very, very scary)


So if you feel like that after such games, you are not yet "mature" enough for such games. If I were you, I would keep my hands off it and try again in a year or two.


It's up to you if you can't sleep because of the game, if you get scared of it, leave it alone. In the evening it makes it even scary.


So I'm 23 and at 15 I would have coped with the game better than I'm now. Back then everything was just "a game". Today I come into such a blatant immersion that I had to say goodbye to the horror games and horror films because I panic. As a child and teenager, I could still enjoy it all.

With that I just want to say: The "maturity" only has limited relevance here. Sure, in the case of the questioner, it's not for him.


Counter question: Should you play games from 18 with 14?


If you are mentally not ready for this then leave it. Some of them have no problem under the age of 18, others do. The fsk 18 isn't there for nothing


I bought myself too