Credit for Red Dead Redemption 2?

- in PlayStation

Have a question about o.g. Game. I gave my nephew a Playstation membership. Now he has the o.g. Game started and would like to buy gold bars. For this he needs if I understand correctly credit on the PS4.

I have now looked on Amazon and find there "credit charge for Red-Ded Redemption…" and in the text is that I buy the game with it and get two credit codes whose value can be stacked.

Who can explain what that means?

I do not have a faint haze of these things.


You buy the game + the credit - so the gold bars.


And what about membership? Can I play the game without buying it and only charge the balance to buy gold bars?


First, you buy the ejn Psnplus subscription. You can pay with PSN cards or Paypal or withdraw from the account. Recommended would be an annual subscription for 50 euro

Then you can certainly buy the bars. Here you can look in the PSN store or directly at rdr2 online.