Fallout 4: Can I transfer the purchased Creation Club content from the PS4 to the PC version of the game?

- in PlayStation

I've been playing Fallout 4 on PS4 for the past few years and it really is a great game! One of the best I've ever played! Now I recently got the PC version of the game because I've switched from console gamer to gamer on "mouse and keyboard" in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, I noticed that I can no longer access any "mods" that I had bought in the Creation Club Store of Bethesda on the PS4 in the PC version. (I signed in with the same Bethesda account that is active on the PlayStation).

It is not now that I put a lot of money into it. To be honest, I only own the ones that Bethesda makes available for free every week or so. Only there are or were really great "mods" that I would like to use on the PC. Maybe the same ones will be free again at some point (including e.g. Die Institut or Minuteman paintwork)? But still, is there a way to transfer it?


Not you bought the mods, but your PS4 account. If you manage to link your PS4 account to the PC version (lol) then maybe it could work, but on the one hand the PC version doesn't have a PS license and on the other hand there would be conflicts of interest anyway (which have nothing to do with you).

Remember, game licenses are tied to an account and not to you as a real person.