Ps4 controller does not load, why and what can it be?

- in PlayStation

My controller doesn't charge when I want to charge it, but when I remove the battery and install it in another controller, it charges normally. Perhaps a good technician knows what could be the problem? I also opened the controller several times and looked in thoroughly, the chip in there was not damaged or anything else. Also with the USB connection I couldn't find anything noticeable. Looks exactly like the controller it loads on.

Does anyone happen to know where the problem could be, since the battery charges easily in another controller, but not with just one controller?


So if you can easily put the battery in and out, it may be an xbox controller


Nonsense, I only have ps4 stuff, no xbox controllers or anything like that


@Mtbroke you can also remove the battery on the ps4 controller. You just have to disassemble the controller


Not always, or in the rarest of cases, you can see from the electronics that it is defective.

You can only find out the error by measuring.

The charging controller is probably defective…