PS4 controller on the PC has connection problems?

- in PlayStation

So first of all: I've been using a PS4 controller on my PC for a long time (2 years). For a few months now it has just started to "mess around". Always every few seconds the sound "dldlüm" when it is disconnected. But the controller still works. And then while the sound doesn't come, the controller just doesn't work anymore. It just goes off, my buttons click into place (software-wise, not hardware), and automatically comes on again after a few seconds.

Another little info: My PC has no Bluetooth, which is why I always use a cable to connect the controller. I have already replaced the cable before and it worked again afterwards.

Now I tried again to exchange the cable, but this time it didn't work. Then I exchanged the controller, but that didn't help either. So it has to be because of the PC or just the individual connections. The problem was the same on all ports on the computer. So it has to be the PC. However, I tried other devices on the USB ports. And then again everything worked perfectly again.

Why do all the components work on their own, but not when I combine them all in this way? D: Is it maybe the mainboard?


What kind of mainboard do you have, or more precisely: which chipset does the mainboard have?


Either it is because your controller no longer has a battery (recharge or replace it) or your USB port is broken. But buy a bluetooth adapter that costs around 10-15 euro


AMD 990FX is the mainboard. Chipset. Good question D


As I said, the controller has already been replaced. The controller does not need to be charged when you play with the cable connected. If the controller remains completely still in a certain position then it works. But you can hardly gamble like that. I think the bluetooth adapter would be best


As you describe it, it looks like a loose connection on the USB ports. Unlikely on the controller if you swap them. However, it would be strange if every port had a loose connection, something doesn't have to be right