Ebay classifieds prank / scam?

- in Nintendo

I received an ominous registered letter today. A certain Wilhelm claims to have transferred me 240 euro via PayPal. The promise in return that a Nintendo Switch console never arrived. He claims to have done the business on eBay classifieds. I've only been there once, but that was a long time ago.

Now good Wilhelm threatens with the police. Before that, his emails remained unanswered (I never got any). Where does my home address come from? No idea. I'm also NOT a PayPal customer. I have not received any money and have never offered a console to buy.

I found this Wilhelm. There really is one who works as a disability officer. He only gives me his business number. No private, no mobile number, no email address.

My home address also has a formal error. The postcode is correct, but the place of residence is only a district, not the official name of the city. Means something like, from official source he can't have my home address.

Have inhibitions just to call. Maybe the whole thing is a joke of a third.

If Wilhelm has transferred the money, must it still be there (with PayPal) or am I wrong? Or could that have been done by a third party?

The link to the alleged purchase is missing in the registered mail, no screenshot, nothing. He can't have my IP either.

I have neither Wilhelm's account information nor his PayPal number.

Ebay classifieds never notified me either, but they froze my account.

Apparently, classified ads had been warned about me on eBay beforehand (which I don't know about). What sense do you guys have?


Go to the police:



He could have been the victim of fraud.

Another may have taken your identity and cheated on others. Is not uncommon on classified ads. Some even give out their persoscans, then it is even easier for third parties to rip others off.

Call him and see what he says. If someone claims to be someone you are interested in.

You can give me feedback.


Have read the previous answers.

I also say call. Be sure to ask him for the exact name of the account if it wasn't yours. Opening a clon account is also one of these scams. Then an "i" is replaced by an "l" etc. Can you overlook or misunderstand, especially if you use the "right" personal details again.

Since it is a registered letter, there's already a history. I would not ignore this, as other advisors say, but would definitely clarify it. Not that the "Wilhelm" shows you now.

But do not make any commitments on the phone. You don't know him The story can also be completely made up… And above all, do not disclose any further data from you.


The trick works like this: The fraudster (who misuses me as a name tag) sneaks up the PayPal number of the real seller and clones his listing. Under the wrong PayPal number, he sells the goods to an unsuspecting third party. The goods never arrive at the real buyer, but are sent to the fraudster by the real seller, in the belief that the fraudster has already paid. However, the real buyer mistakenly paid the real seller. The fraudster writes PayPal goods when they arrive, the real seller does not notice the fraud and receives the money from PayPal, but can't enjoy it for very long. Ultimately, the real seller is responsible for PayPal.



It's called triangular fraud. Otherwise, registered mail makes no sense.


I called Wilhelm. He wants to send me all the data.


He should go to the police and report to Unknown and give your contact details right away so that it may clear up faster. Or do it online.


Now have the data. The name of the seller is known. I will also contact him.

The actually crazy thing is something completely different: I now have the original invoice from Amazon, where the console has wandered over the table as new goods. The goods went to ME! My name and address! How the hell can that be? Delivery address is the same as the address, namely MY! It really looks like I'm the scam. However, I have neither ordered nor paid for a console nor have I ever received it! Furthermore, I should be able to see the console under "my orders"! But it is not. I should also have received a confirmation of purchase from Amazon (email)!

I will immediately notify Amazon and draw attention to the fraud.

Does anyone of you have an idea how something like this can happen?

Maybe the bill is fake?


Do you live so that your packages could be intercepted or stolen? Do you know your delivery agent? I could ask my DHL aunt if she noticed anything (you have the approximate delivery date with the invoice), at Hermes the delivery staff change too often.


The wrong Amazon account that runs on your data should definitely be closed. If the bill is real. Actually, Amazon should have already contacted you if this bill was not paid, but maybe a stolen KK was used.