Education that resembles a hobby?

- in Twitch

My hobbies are Youtube and Twitch, my question would be if you know any professions that are similar to this hobby (editing videos, image editing etc.) … Would be good if you need a FOR for the professions.


Media designer image and sound if you want to be involved in the creation, or film and video editor if you are mainly about cutting and spicing up.

Unfortunately, I don't know what a FOR is.


College student.


We're not career or training advice.

I do not claim to be complete nor that the information is up to date.

In this respect, my answer is more suggestions and ideas.

Since you have had the profession of media designer several times image and sound

was called.

What prerequisites do I need for an image and sound training as a media designer?

chulic requirements

If you want to be a media designer for images and sound, then you have to r
really do not meet any special requirements. In practice, it is best that you should have a high school diploma, because 80 percent of all trainees have a university entrance qualification. Just
17 percent have reached medium maturity.

Professional requirements

Because the rush for this apprenticeship is relatively large, you should definitely consider how you can stand out with your application among the large number of applicants. And even if you don't need work experience, an internship could be a good option. You can sniff a little bit of work air, ideally get to know your future employer and also find out whether you really like the job so much. You'll see:
If you can't start directly in this company after school, your voluntary commitment will also impress other employers.

But there are also alternatives.

movie Editor
Film editor or
Editor (older names:
Cutter) is a person who is at the created raw material of a

Education that resembles a hobby" class="text-primary">" class="text-primary"> or one through the

Education that resembles a hobby cut or the assembly designed. The editor chooses suitable ones, arranges them and rhythmically effective in, adds sounds, music, effects, graphics and animations and gives the film its final form. Film editors are among the
of an audiovisual work.

The technical and creative demands on the profession are constantly changing; especially the and the led to upheavals in the job description. The job title has also changed: Since the beginning of the 21st century, Germany,

Education that resembles a hobby" class="text-primary">" class="text-primary"> # cite_note-1 Austria

Education that resembles a hobby # cite_note-2 and Switzerland

Education that resembles a hobby # cite_note-3 the label
Film editor and equivalent
Editor uses, and thus displaces the terms that were used earlier
Cutter and

Education that resembles a hobby editor

Cutter training: School requirements
Legally there's
no school requirements for film and video editor. In the past, most trainees had a (technical) Abitur, as the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has surveyed.

Then there was

A certain degree is not mandatory.

The volunteer must not be younger than 18 years old. A minimum level of training for starting a volunteer service is not mandatory everywhere.

In general, volunteering is a voluntary, temporary assignment in an institution or organization (cf. Volunteer service). In a specific sense, this term is also contrary to

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