Twitch donate information?

- in Twitch

I plan to set everything up on Twitch if anyone wants to donate something to me that he can do that too. My question: let's say I get 10 euro donated by a spectator. You have to tax it, that's for sure. But do I have to register a business for a simple donate? Or can you give that to the tax return at the parents' 10 euro? Or how does it work?


As soon as there's an intention to generate a profit, you have to register a trade. However, the state makes it easier for people who also earn something from their hobby. Under 410 euro per year (per person!) You can earn money without registration through streaming and twitch.

As soon as you have registered your trade and registered with the tax office, you have to make an annual declaration (self-employed, no parents!) As long as the trade is in operation.


If you want to "work" completely legally, you have to register a business as soon as you release the option that sends you money as "thank you" for your activity (streaming).

But because of a random 10 euro donation you will normally not be chased afterwards, apart from that ~ 9k without earning taxes (but you have to report the income to the office so that you can see that you are under the 9k or 8.5k)

Ps. Shouldn't have a small amount that you don't have to report directly, but if you do it regularly & what happens around I would do it early, but not necessarily directly with the 1st stream.


Didn't get anything yet but only as a precaution if one comes along


As I said because of a 10 or 20 it doesn't really matter, but if you should earn 200 euro + and realize that it will be more then you should register a trade. Until then it doesn't really matter