USB mic or XLR for Twitch?

- in Twitch

Moin Leudeee,

my mic bothers me a bit and so I would like to buy a newer one. But now I can't decide which one to take. Either a USB mic or an XLR mic with an interface in between? Would use it for streaming and then want to use the new mic for the next few years

What would you say Then what should I take?

It greets

a schnitzel


Bigger selection.

Usually better mics and better interface.

More control

More flexibility


What kind of things would you recommend then?


XLR, because EQ is integrated on my Behringer mixer with which I can adjust the tone color analogously.


Then what kind of combination would you recommend for streaming?


I would prefer XLR. USB microphones have a built-in sound card, which is not always the best and / or can break down. For example, an XLR microphone really only has one microphone and has more control over the "path" of the sound. Equalizers and the like are also much easier to control this way!


And what combination would you recommend for streaming? So from the mic and interface?


I'm not very familiar with the streaming area with small systems. But I highly recommend Behringer for mixers that shouldn't cost a lot.


For a micro this should be sufficient:

If you plan to include more mics, etc., you could buy one of the same range with more channels.


No seriously interested user uses USB. Interface as I have often recommended the Steinberg your 12 or ur22 to you. Should it be a mixer Yamaha AG 03 or 06

Microphone the akg P3 or p5. If you have more money, the Sennheiser 845e or Shure sm 57. Pop protection and good cables.

You can ask 10 more times; the answer is always the same


I myself have it like this:

Shure SM7B

Motu M4

Matching fethead

DT 990 Pro

Mixer will be upgraded soon.

But is not absolutely necessary if you only use it for DC, Ts