How do I resubmit on Twitch now? Didn't receive an email?

- in Twitch

I always subscribe to twitch with a paysafecard. Whenever my sub was about to expire, I received an email with a link to renew it. This month none came. So I wrote to xsolla support on twitter via dm and via support email address. The customer support is just terrible. I wrote that I had not received an email and would like one and this came back, the same message for the email and twitter dm:

Hello, if you don't want to continue subscription, you may just ignore the reminder

do the support people even read what I have written? I did not get this reminder that my sub is running out to renew it. My question: what should I do now? How can I resubmit without this link to renew. I really don't want to lose my sub streak (2 years old)


Actually if you subs it will continue. You don't need a link for this


But always pay with Paysafecard, so they can't debit money from me, so the sub can't renew itself.

Change Ps4 email? Te TempleMaximo