Frequent internet crashes on the PC via LAN?

- in Twitch

I bought a new PC about half a year ago, also connected to the LAN from the start. That worked without any problems, unfortunately I have had constant Internet crashes for about a month now. These crashes usually last 5 seconds and during this time I have no internet, both upload and download are gone. The problem is that I often get kicked out of games and have problems streaming (Twitch). I only have these problems on the PC and normally my internet is also very good (100K line), apart from these crashes. Sometimes 60 times every hour, but sometimes 3 hours no disconnect. I've called Telekom several times and they couldn't really help me. I think it's my PC but I'm not sure.


If the Wi-Fi is stable and you don't have any problems there, then it could be the cable itself.

Perhaps your LAN cable has a broken cable or there's a voltage and is not properly seated in the socket.


Hello Xerxes05, this is really annoying! The best connection is simply via LAN. WLAN has many disruptive factors.

Which router do you have? Have you ever thought of amplifiers? What have you already done But for the most important question, all this happens via LAN or WLAN and are the interruptions noted in the router log under the system messages?


I have now spent the last few days analyzing the problem more and I noticed that not the whole internet is gone, but only the whole upload, which causes the problems. I'm pretty sure an amplifier wouldn't solve the problem, so I would use it as a last-ditch attempt. My router is the 7590 from Fritzbox. All the problems happen through the LAN, and apart from the crashes, everything runs very smoothly. Unfortunately, I don't know how exactly you can see the router log.


First change the LAN cable! If that doesn't help, buy a cheap LAN-to-USB adapter; the network card on the board could also be defective?