Internet crashes (through Lankabel)?

- in Xbox

I have the following request.

I have a 250k line at home, but if I want to download a game with my PC, the internet in the whole house crashes after a short time and this happens several times per download (PC with LAN connected to the router). If my father downloads something with his PC via Wi-Fi, the Internet remains stable, just as if he downloaded something via Lan over his Xbox. My lankabel is about 20m long and I think I read something about Cat6 when I bought it. Now my question, why is it that the internet always crashes and how do I fix it.


Does this only happen if you download a game via Steam / Epic etc. Or if you download a file in the browser?

You can limit the download speed on Steam and in the Epic Games Launcher. Does it also crash?


As soon as I download something over 1GB it doesn't matter where. I have already tried the limitation but it crashes even at 1mb / s.


And what happens when you connect your PC via Wi-Fi?

Have you restarted the router yet? You could also plug the LAN cable into another socket. You should also reset your network. The function is in the Windows settings under "Network and Internet".


Since I have not installed a WLAN card, I can't test how it would work with WLAN. The router was often restarted is not the first time that happened (happened since we're here). I have already plugged the cable into several sockets, but that doesn't work. I will now test the reset with the network and report whether it worked.


Sounds like your router has a make 🤔

Then only the internet stops working or does the router restart completely?

Do you have to do something to make the internet work again or does it work on its own?

Look over the interface on the logs if you see what happens in the period by crashing.

Otherwise, have the router replaced by the provider or buy one yourself (it is always better anyway).


We had received new routers from our provider several times. It is alternately the thing turns off completely and sometimes only the Internet goes away. According to the provider, only their devices are compatible, so a device of your own would probably be useless. How do I get the logs?


Unfortunately, resetting the network didn't work.


Another question I ask myself is why my father can download up to 200mb / s on his Xbox and I on my PC no matter where I download only at max 32mb / s.


So if you live in Germany you have the right to use your own router according to the law. So your provider just talks. The router must support the Internet connection, i.e. Cable (coax) DSL, etc.


Via the web interface of your router.

I once wrote an article on how to improve the Wi-Fi speed and under point 2 I explain how you can quickly access the interface. Scroll down a bit and you will find the quick start guide.

I also have recommendations for router replacement in the same article if you are interested.


Can also imagine your cable is broken


Hmm difficult to say, maybe your NIC is to blame on the PC? So your ethernet connection on the pc.

This could also be the one responsible for the router crash. It may cause a short circuit 🤔

Try it over Wi-Fi and unplug the cable


Unfortunately I have not installed a WLAN card. Can you buy Wlan + Lankarten by? And what do I have to pay attention to?


Yes you can, but I would simply advise you to use a WLAN USB stick, they are now very good and much cheaper at 15-20 euro

That is also in my article.

You could also do me a favor and give me feedback on the item if it is easy to understand and helpful. I wrote it especially for beginners and amateurs so they can help themselves.


Then pull the LAN cable out of the PC, connect your cell phone via USB and then activate USB tethering. Then the cell phone acts as a WLAN stick.


Of course the article ("Roman" little fun) is helpful in some places you have to read twice so that everything gets stuck but otherwise it is easy to understand ^^.


Thanks for the feedback! Yes, is very detailed so that everything is covered. You don't happen to have in your head which places were a bit complicated? Then I'm going to do it again. Otherwise I hope that I could help and wish you a relaxing evening.