Bad streaming only when streaming?

- in Twitch

I noticed that my Kbp / s fluctuates very, very strongly while I'm streaming.

For example, from 5k down to 680 and then back to 3k.

Otherwise my Internet Top works with an upload rate of approx. 10 Mbi.

By the way, stream with OBS on Twitch.


And how do you know that it is otherwise constant?

If it fluctuates here and there, then you will not really notice that if you are not streaming or something.


Understand. But shouldn't I get some feedback in a multiplayer game?


If that is only for a moment, then you will rarely or not even notice it.

Did you run over LAN or Wi-Fi?


About Lan


Try uploading something bigger to some cloud, for example.

Then you see whether it runs constantly or whether you also have fluctuations.

If there are problems, then it is definitely not OBS's fault.


Unstable Wi-Fi.


Many thanks


You can definitely try another provider.


When streaming, it depends on your upload speed.

It is very difficult to tell whether you have fluctuations because you hardly need to upload games.

I would measure directly on the modem and check the upload over a few hours.

If there are extreme fluctuations, you should contact your provider.

If not, it is because of what comes after the modem. Cable, router, PC.


I would suggest either streaming with a LAN cable or putting your Kbp / s down in OBS. Then there shouldn't be such blatant drops and the stream runs more stable. Initially it also helped me, but at the moment I can stream the 6K I want and the quality doesn't suffer because of the new PC.