New laptop / notebook?

- in Twitch

Since my 10 year old laptop has given up the ghost and I get 300 euro for a new laptop from the insurance company, I want to look around for a new one.

Since I don't really know what is good about a laptop (be it graphics card or RAM), you come into play.

Do you have good recommendations in the following price ranges:

Up to 400 euro

Up to 500 euro

Up to 600 euro

Why the 3 price ranges?

Because I'm not sure how much I really want to spend (in addition to the 300 euro)

Actually use the laptop for pretty much everything, so surfing, Youtube, Twitch, games (of course no Triple A games)

Is there anything reasonable in the certain price ranges?

Thank you in advance for your help.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask


So from a total sales price of around 500 to 600 euro you get really good laptops with a large screen.

Have a look at Media-Markt, Saturn, etc… On the Internet, it's definitely worth comparing.